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    GP2X 1k Plasma Demo

    Is that 1024 or 1000 bytes max? :)
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    Hardware Coding

    Here is an example for you: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #ifdef WIN32 #else #include <sys/mman.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stropts.h> int memfd; volatile unsigned long *memregs32; volatile unsigned short *memregs16; unsigned char...
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    Hardware Coding That should take care of the manual. However a small tutorial isn't in there.
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    Devenv Rebuild Headache

    Got cygwin installed? compleetly with paths? Because the `command` to execute is not working by default in windows (I think)
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    Looking For The Longest Lasting Batteries For Gp2x.

    Diesel generator + AC adapter :)
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    GP2X Megazeux

    MegaZeux, or in short MZX, is a game creation system (GCS) based on Tim Sweeney/Epic Megagames' classic shareware game ZZT. MegaZeux was created in late 1994 by Gregory Janson, who formed his own company, Software Visions (now defunct). Like ZZT, MZX was released as shareware and the world...
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    Ragdoll Kung-fu Now we just need someone with the time to port it.
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    Integer Based Square Root.

    Thx. I needed an easy upgrade, ofcourse it could be done in pure ASM, but that would be a bit overkill in my case (it's not a huge bottleneck, and gives windows compile problems if I did ASM) This code: #define iter1(N) \ Try = root + (1 << (N)); \ if (n >= Try << (N)) \ { n -= Try <<...
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    Integer Based Square Root.

    I need to do some integer based squareroots in the game I'm making. I currently use this code: int INTsqrt(int a) { int square = 1; int delta = 3; while(square <= a) { square += delta; delta += 2; } return (delta/2 - 1); } But my input is usualy around 0x100 to 0x10000 (never...
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    Setting Up Dev-cpp

    Yep, you need to link with libjpeg and libpng (if I'm not mistaken) (Add -ljpeg and -lpng to the link part of your makefile)
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    GP2X Squidgesnes_0.37 Code Comments

    Looking at the snippets people posted I see it uses some doubles? Without FPU that would be pretty slow, but wouldn't floats be faster? Also is there a list of known bugs somewhere? (I couldn't find it)
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    GP2X Official Sdk Does It Have Underclocking?

    This might help: (No idea if it works)
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    X-moto Maybe?

    I'm guessing it heavly depents on floating point and uses openGL. Not that it makes it impossible to port, but quite some harder.
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    GP2X Enigma Port In Progress

    Cool, would be a great game to have a port of :D Note: The floating point error might also be a integer division by 0 error (not sure why, but I have had that once)
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    GP2X Using The 2nd Processor For Audio

    How about starting off with looping a wave file, and slowly work it up from there? I mean, if you get MP3/OGG looping on command with extra sample mixing in (for soundeffects) on command working on the 940 that would mean a boost for almost any game I think. But small steps at a time never hurt...
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    GP2X 2 Questions...

    Sounds like an ununitlized pointer. In debugmode you're just lucky that it strands on memory that is already 0.
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    The Ur-quan Masters

    I didn't get the previeus version to run at all. This version I get a startup logo, but then it crashes or something because it doesn't react to any button action :( (firmware 2.0, no overclocking or anything)
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    GL-tron, in other words: OpenGL-tron... OpenGL doesn't work on the GP2x...
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    Blackthorne And Fade To Black

    Runs about 18 FPS, with frameskip 2 and no overclocking ;) (20 is normal speed then) pretty good playable.
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    Ti Calc

    "Virtual TI" has sourcecode out there. It emulates most (all?) TI calculators. I've only used it for the TI83, but that worked great. Not sure how portable the code is. (The Z80 emulation code looks pretty clean) (If you cannot find the source, PM me and I'll send it over)