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    holy ...this just made my day!!!
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    Psx4wiz Test Version

    ZOTTD , glad to hear it!
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    My Wiz Died

    Sorry man , I hope you will get your new WIZ on warranty , or save that amount of money as soon as possible!
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    Wiz After Pandora Release

    I bold the key part for you :D
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    To Wiz Or Not To Wiz?

    Buy a WIZ...I own , hacked PSP, DS lite and WIZ..yeah, sure , hacked PSP is number one in PSX games..but when comes to SNES , NES ,SCUMMM , AMIGA ,MAME.. there is no comeptiton...WIZ is a winner...that litle screen and great controls...feel so "retro" and more natural for thousands of games...
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    Psx With 3D Acceleration

    damn..I wish playable PSX emu become reality on WIZ!
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    Snes Emu Question

    It doesnt work on fast pocket snes . And on the pocketsnes.gpe it runs like crap
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    Psx4All Released For The Wiz

    damn.. every time I see new post in this thread , I get the feelinig that new version is released..
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    Disappointed In Nintendo Dsi Ll Games

    I meant CHRONNO TRIGGER , sorry <_<
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    Disappointed In Nintendo Dsi Ll Games

    nds has DRAGON QUEST 4,5 and 9 coming! Chronno Cross ,FF 4,5 ...must have for every RPG fan of retro RPG games
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    Ffvi Emulation Performance In Snes Vs Gba

    FF 6 on GBA is FINAL FANTASY 3 on SNES , and it works like a charm , just run it with "fats pocketsnes.gpe" instead "pocketsnes.gpe"
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    I've Lost My Usb Lead - Can Anyone Point Me In The Right Direction

    THNX SONY! Just ordered myself one of those!
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    I've Lost My Usb Lead - Can Anyone Point Me In The Right Direction

    so SONY , is charger working? :gp2x
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    Is The Wiz Fast Enough For 32Bit Emulation?

    well , PSP does a outstading job when it comes for PSX..but..I not 100 % ...Chrono Cross etc..and the GBA and SNES are near as good as on WIZ ..they are running "fine" , but on wiz . they are running "almost perfect" (compare , GOLDEN SUN , and 3d gba and SNES games , WIZ iz a WINNER!
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    Next Launch?

    I wanna get myself a pandora! When it will be next lunch?
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    I've Lost My Usb Lead - Can Anyone Point Me In The Right Direction

    Cool! Would you please repot that is 100% work! Is it universal? Or should I ll be careful ,I wanna order those myself but we have 220 V electrical standard in Croatia , and you have 110 V I belive in Australia?
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    What Is The Wiz Good For?

    Sorry , I didnt mean to angry anyone. I was refering to first question , "Is WIZ worth it" , simple YES!!! On the other hand ,at the end I will get pandora myself , cause I am freaking gadget freak!! :D
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    What Is The Wiz Good For?

    its pointless pay for handheld device 350 + can get netbook for that kind of money...I dont wanna say that pandora doesnt look tempty ,,
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    Problem With Pocketsnes After Firmware 1.20.

    ok its official , moving these to Firmware 1.2 thread
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    Gp2X Wiz Firmware

    so ..for us who upgrade to korean version...will we be able to "upgrade" to EU version without downgrade?