A competitor of the PSP/DS which will probably end up as Tapwave Zodiac or the Gizmondo but if they don't invest much money for licenses of big games but still have steadier commercial support than th GP32 one (which was almost missing) and if the final design and the compnay politics is...
It is a cool gadget if you want to have some fun while playing games for a little time during the breaks but else we have GP32, GP2X and XGP which are much better and advanced;).
I think that Gamepark thanked all of the participants in the offline desing pool back in August but they are going to reveal the final design and specs of the XGP this month so keep on checking ;).
Yeah, I mean that but superjakob meant it too so it doesn't really matter how youu will call it plus each site (including lik-sang) call it GP2X second edition.
I will do exactly the same thing because although that we know almlost nothing for the console almost everyone here think that it is gonna crash or never appear. Funny!
After the redesignit GamePark are making it might become pretty nice console and almost certainly they will cut something down to lowerise the prics. I have heard that the XGP Value Pack (whatever this means?) will be a little bit cheaper than the PSP Value Pack so really if it is true it won't...
Thanks! If they do it then the XGP would be what the GP32 was back at its launch a commericially oriented very powerful machine which will hopefully have tons of nice homebrew because of its power. Great!
I was trying to say that also and I might end up with XGP if it fulfills my expectations but if Gamepark wants homebrew for the XGP your example would be awful because Sony are constantly trying to stop it by firmware updates.
Well, I am here and I really care about it. I don't believe that it will even outsell Gizmondo but I do believe that if GP32 BLU had a 3D chipset and Gamepark have had more money to takie a few decent licences it would have superior quality to the N-Gage while released simultaneously with the...
There are some news about the XGP posted on www.gpzigi.com and when I did the awful Google translation I think that there was something about the XGP showed in December. Can anybody translate it be cause we haven't heard anything new about the XGP since August?
Well, if you won't supply only because of the buttons :) don't worry! Don't bother with those buttons 'cause this is a pic of the old iRiver multimedia player with a flash game on it. Definetely not the real game console. but iRiver PMP-120.
Radek don't draw fast conclusions about the XGP specifications because Gameapark has started the handhled all over so we might have somthing completely different than the one shown in the contest. And the XGP may not be cheaper than the GP2X but will be cheaper than the PSP Value Pack. Somewhere...
Sounds interesting! I would really love to give it try if the result of their efforts is better than the GP2X. And the GPI was developed when GPH and GP were one company so they share the fault for it and if you don't think so just check on the GPH site in their company history section and you...
Has anybody heard something about the XGP after the design contest a few months ago. It is interesting handheld especially if Gamepark makes it also a cell phone but it just disappeared for a couple of months. Maybe they are just waiting the end of euphoria surrounding the GP2X launch among the...
Hi guys! I was thinking of new ineteresting ways to put the GP2X's homebrew ahead of the rest and I thought that if some of you can possibly make a simple gamemaker on the GP2X that allows you to choose from various game styles, objects and backgrounds in order to create your own game (few...
The XGP is quite cool handheld but I will be adored and sold if they make it a cell. phone too. Because we almost ever bring our cell. phones with us plus I won't have to bring many things with me. I like the look of the new N-Gage QD Silver Edition but it is only the same old N-Gage QD with new...
I am not sure a\that the GPH logo has something common with GP2X because a few months before Wanna Be Wizard was out the site www.gamepark.com had the same logo. I think that the GP and GPH had split a little after the European release and the following crash with the BLU+ which cost them Lik-Sang.
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