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  1. F_Slim

    Install application

    Ich glaube das Problem ist, dass er die Datei nicht anlegen kann (deshalb ist sie dann nicht da, und weil er keinen Lock anlegen konnte bricht er ab). Und das hat wahrscheinlich mit den Berechtigungen vom Ordner zu tun ... oder der Ordner ist nicht da. Du kannst auch mit "apt" auf der...
  2. F_Slim

    [Solved:] Lower right shoulder button not working

    Alcohol ? ... well ... I have a bottle of Bourbon right here ? ... :D But this is also very reassuring. And would also explain why it suddenly started to work! (I was actually wondering if some dirt might be the issue but then thought that a microswitch is too small to pick up dirt). So I guess...
  3. F_Slim

    [Solved:] Lower right shoulder button not working

    That's good to know, thanks! I guess we do need to expand the Wiki a bit with this kind of information. (And somebody has to pin your Unofficial Quick Reference thread!) Let's see if it healed itself or just falls apart after a few days using it :) I probably will not find much time do play...
  4. F_Slim

    [Solved:] Lower right shoulder button not working

    Hm, suddenly it's working most of the time :eek: Could this be a SW/config problem? I tried to run PPSSPP, which just shows a black screen. So I just rebooted the Pyra and noticed that the left shoulder button for shift was not working (and start, select etc.). Until I started and closed...
  5. F_Slim

    [Solved:] Lower right shoulder button not working

    Hi, I got my Pyra \o/ but the lower right shoulder button is not working. :( Checking the output with xenv ... nothing. Just ... very, very rarely it does register as Control_R, but usually nothing. So it seems like a defective contact? I opened the Pyra and removed the cover of the button...
  6. F_Slim

    Pyra Unofficial Quick Reference

    In principle yes, if you hold a package which is a dependency for others. Otherwise it should be save, because all dependencies for the held package are there and should be kept as well.
  7. F_Slim

    I try to completely move to Linux and found that it works surprisingly well. Steam worked almost perfect for me and for GOG and Epic I started using Lutris. Then I found Heroic Games Launcher, which has a much better integration of the stored. For some GOG games there are even cloud saves. It is...
  8. F_Slim

    Pyra Unofficial Quick Reference

    [Edit: ok, writing took me much too long, good to see that the current Vivaldi does work after all] Bummer that you cannot use an up-to-date version of Vivaldi :( Well, at least there is some version of Vivaldi available :) With the Pandora this really became a reason for me to not use it for...
  9. F_Slim

    Free programming books

    Totally missed your answer, thanks a lot!
  10. F_Slim

    Free programming books

    Oh, I meant those 80ies books from the starting post: The links from that page no longer work. (Took me a while to figure out that these were children books, so not sure I have much use for them ... on the other hand, I might finally understand some of the low-level stuff xD) I managed to get...
  11. F_Slim

    Free programming books

    Thanks, the functional programming book might be interesting for me. And wo knows, there may be something interesting in the other books as well. Unfortunately I came to late for the books from the first post, the links no longer work ...
  12. F_Slim

    Using a Pyra to rescue some old Amiga floppy disk

    Nice!! <3 If you have any original disks with copy protection, make sure to store them as .IPF images. This should keep the copy protection intact and you can still use them in UAE. (I wish I knew this ~20 years ago when I made images of all my old AMIGA floppies ...
  13. F_Slim

    Amiga Joystick Usb Adapter

    Hallo, ja, alte Theads wiederbeleben soll man eigentlich nicht, aber: Vor kurzem war ich auch auf der Suche nach einem Amiga Joystick USB Adapter der möglichst aus Deutschland versendet wird. Als ich hier danach fragen wollte, bin auf diesen Thread gestoßen. Ich habe dann daraufhin den Retro...
  14. F_Slim

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    For me it's just a 3 to 3 1/2 hours drive, so I might actually do that some day (but probably not until things cooled down on the pandemic and pyraprodactic side). :)
  15. F_Slim

    General issues regarding F2FS rootfs partition

    That allows you to mount the SD card on a Windows machine and edit the bootscript. Makes the device more accessible to people who do not have a Linux running on their Laptop/PC, but still want to mess around with it.
  16. F_Slim

    My first impressions of the Pyra

    Probably for the same reason so many games only support x360 gamepads instead of serious input devices like wheels, or joystick+throttle+rudder setups.
  17. F_Slim

    Accelerometer and magnetometer (Bosch BNO055)

    I once tried to use the compass in my tablet and it also did not work very well. But it made a huge different if you are indoors or outdoors. Also there is some kind of calibration which can be done by turning the device around all axis. Is this also true for the chip in the Pyra?
  18. F_Slim

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Calm down! Lockdown does not mean that you cannot go to work. Trust me: I live in Germany, we have lockdown and I have been working the whole time. Employers are stronly encouraged to allow their employees to work from home and a lot of non-vital stores and places are closed, but that's it.
  19. F_Slim

    Lets start making the helper gadgets

    What desktop does the Pyra ship with? I assume GNOME? Can Cinnamon widgets be integrated nicely in GNOME? (I settled with KDE at some point)
  20. F_Slim

    Lets start making the helper gadgets

    I am aware that a sleep timer is a one-liner in the terminal. Everything can be done on the terminal. But unlike on my PC or notebook I do not have a terminal open on my Pandora. And not everything which is possible is also convenient. It is fully expected that you have to use the terminal on...