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    Sorry Folks. It Had To Be Done.

    what did i tell you nob end, keep me out of your story.
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    Spyware Removers

    avg is unsafe, youve been warned. panda antiviurs/firewall is where its at. also spybot
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    I Have Discovered....

    ive got a sense of humour man, you just arent funny, simple as that.
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    I Have Discovered....

    wow that was terrible. you might be in the top 3 retards of this site. keep my name out your posts dickface
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    I Have Discovered....

    if by idiotic you mean hilarious then yes, i agree, if not then you suck
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    Cool, Is It Not?

    incredible, so cheap, small and good looking. the last time i used a mac was in primary though, is most software compatible with this?
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    Sorry Folks. It Had To Be Done.

    or because you are stupid as fuck
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    Yes It Is

    AHAHAHHA i get it!!!!! not really, you are a fucking dick
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    Sorry Folks. It Had To Be Done.

    never say my name in a post again fucker you are starting to annoy me too as long as my name stays in your stories ill keep replying and writing a lame story is helping the community how? im helping the community by weeding out all the lames and hopefully getting this board to the level...
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    The Very Original Current Listening Thread!!

    biz markie - biz is goin off
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    Is The Gp32 Age Ending?

    2 years too late.
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    The Very Original Current Listening Thread!!

    Phil Tha Agony - Aromatic (album)
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    Sorry Folks. It Had To Be Done.

    you live a sad, sad life and your stories are neither funny or entertaining. congratulations on being a loser
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    Adic 2004 Downloads

    WOW bolcataxian is incredible, its so professional
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    Hardest Game Ever?

    mega man series
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    What Kind Of Gp32 Do You Have?

    gp32 classic over here
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    Gp32 Future?

    this gets asked every week. theres been an ominous shadow hanging around the gp32 since it first came out. the gp32 still has a long life left
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    The Very Original Current Listening Thread!!

    whats your username man? and na ive never heard that lyricist lounge before, ive seen the show a few times though
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    Official Best Games For Sega Genesis

    can anyone give me some tips on how to beat the final robotnik boss on sonic 2?? this has pissed me off for many years, its just insanely difficult. i can make it to that boss with over 20 lives and i still manage to get a game over