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  • Users: g8w4y
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  1. G

    Gamepark, Gp32 2 (project Name) Coming Soon!

    I do like the way you changed the quoted text to saurn... :P ...but seriously I do agree with the expectations of *most* people, though I don't quite know about 640x480 resolution / touchscreen etc. Let's just hope it's not like the euro launch. :huh:
  2. G

    Gamepark, Gp32 2 (project Name) Coming Soon!

    I think it would be pretty good if they could get the minor details sorted too... having the speakers the right way round :lol: Did they fix that on the BLUs BTW?
  3. G

    Power Adaptor

    I got mine from maplin electronics ( - it's a really small diameter.
  4. G


    Did you remember the file extension ".fxe" at the end? Also, there are two boxes. The first one has the path information in, including the FXE. The second is just a friendly name. For example the first could have "gp:\gpmm\gpcine.fxe" and the second "GPCinema"... Hope this helps :P
  5. G


    You must be doing something wrong, 'cause it worked fine for me. :( Go through exactly how you used the ZPR maker...
  6. G

    What A Day ~.~

    Third is that the clock rate is on 166, and you forget to press "R" a few times... <_<
  7. G

    Post Your Gp32 Custom Desktops!

    SIN() is your friend ;) This was actually going in my sig... This is what I use ATM. ...I took the home made approach :P
  8. G

    GP32 Overclocking Tester

    It's done in software, so nothing has to be physically changed... I love replying to topics that are really old :P
  9. G

    Smc Cards - Best Prices

    @mattmagoo - I see you're using PhotoShop now - I don't see how you could do an outer glow in paint :P
  10. G

    Fun Links

    Urm, yes - I do that all the time! :P
  11. G

    Sig Sizes

    Me too (DSL) :P I like your location! :blink:
  12. G

    Sig Sizes

    How about: ! f/|\/| f\ 6|*32 f|23f\|< But back to the topic, if there was a way to track img links and find the size of the file they reference (and block them if they're too big) then that would be good... Also, visit to convert images into ascii...
  13. G

    The British Meet Up, And My Problems

    Not here, though - my nickname recently became slug pellet... ? :P
  14. G

    Commander Keen

    Whoa! I was just about to reply with something like "No, but a remake could be made", then I saw your post. That doesn't seem too special, but I own the GBC version! How could I forget?
  15. G

    Sound Volume

    I think there was an audio normalizer that was posted on the beta testing board. Go search for it :P
  16. G

    Gp Always Shows Mr Spiv's Debugger

    I'm pretty sure you mean that the other way round... :P
  17. G

    How Do I Use A Tosec File

    It's a 7-zip archive. visit ;) Edit: Sorry!
  18. G

    Fgen32 Video Sonic 1 With Sound!

    WTF? There's nothing wrong with software overclocking - as far as i've heard, it can't damage your gp32_console ...wierdo :P
  19. G

    Pinkspider Needs Help...

    Bloody hell! This is my 89th post... total! :blink:
  20. G

    Shi* Emergency Please Help

    No. Save that for flying into his house :D On a more sensible note, you really should do as much as you can. Have the parents met?