Search results

  1. G

    Could A Palm Pilot Do Emulating?

    Yes! Definitely. There are (quite literally, I'm sure) hundreds of emulators for various systems (even emulators for consoles as recent as the playstation are in development), so either search this board or just use :P Hope this helps
  2. G

    When Do They Announce Winners?

    Hey finty101 - for some reason I've always misread your name as flinty101! FLINTY??? :blink:
  3. G

    Post YOUR Pics

    Still haven't worked it out yet! Maybe a more sensible one :P
  4. G


    Problem is - you have to pay shipping. Anyway, the link to the topic is here.
  5. G


    Try pulling the joystick off (not too hard), then rotate it through 90 degrees and put it back. Keep doing that until it works. If not, there's a pinned topic about a quick fix (it involves taking the case apart and stuffing a small bit of paper inside). Hope this helps :lol:
  6. G

    Why Is The Skin Maker So Bugy?

    The actual cfg file doesn't seem to have any specific positioning info, so now you have it, if you make your images the same size, you needn't use skin maker (I think)
  7. G

    "i Need Help"

    OK, OK - I meant no offence. It was just a thought... No really :lol: Ohy yeah - the title does suck (but it got your attention lol)
  8. G

    "i Need Help"

    Don't worry - I'm not targeting anyone in particular :D (just a bit annoyed) Question? There is none :blink:
  9. G

    "i Need Help"

    How about a ban on all topics called "I need help..." - It's so annoying :angry: Oh, and we need an angrier smiley :P
  10. G

    Free Gpcinema Gone?

    ahem :P
  11. G

    Free Gpcinema Gone?

    May not be true, but... (from virginplay forums, translated)
  12. G


    kknd_cf - only one 128. I would get another, but I havent got the money ATM. Out of interest, what does your nickname actually mean, if anything? and, so I don't have to start multiple posts - :P... akuma - I made the music for the games, but how long do you want it (cropping etc) New...
  13. G

    About To Get Somethign From Joygp...

    It's a fun platformer... :D What about rally pop? Is that any good? (I was thinking of getting it)
  14. G

    Smc Problem

    Scary - for a moment, I thought I had posted that in my sleep or something... :blink:
  15. G

    Member Levels

    Ok, calm down! ;) I took it out of my sig (that was a bit mad), but isn't gp guru for people who help out? Even then, I do see what you're getting at, and I agree in some respects. Sorry for my idiotic ramblings - luckily gp guru status can only be given by mods :P
  16. G

    Gp32 Spare Parts Needed

    Just look at the spring and get two similar ones... ;) Easy! (Should be, anyway)
  17. G

    Member Levels

    I say Washo should get GP guru... (:D) Edit: Has aquafish_ got one?
  18. G

    How Bout A Favicon

    Yep - totally corrupt :unsure: Thinking about it, I didn't even know there was an icon at any point :( It is 32 * 64, though... The placeholder appears in IE (I know, I know. I'm changing to firefox... as soon as I can be bothered :lol: ), so it must exist...
  19. G

    Genesis Games

    That's the spirit :D Anyway, good luck Squidge! B)
  20. G

    It's Hard Not Easy!

    Sorry - I just downloaded the FW maker, but I don't know how C works. I think your best bet would be either 1)to PM aquafish_ 2)stop 'accidentally' formatting your SMC :P (I suggest you try the first one :lol: )