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  • Users: Bampt
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  1. B


    You got to add a save folder in your heroes 2 folder manually to be able to save I am not sure where, could be /appdata/fheroes2.pickle/files/save or could be /appdata/fheroes2.pickle/save
  2. B

    Pandora Controller

    maybe a Wii U screen/controller thingy can be hacked to work with the pandora in the future (-; but seriously a tv out cable and a second controller should be sufficient for most needs
  3. B

    Anyone Washed Pandoras Bag Yet?

    Hi, I noticed over time my official pandora bag has become quite smelly, so it needs a washing pretty bad, I noticed that the bag got some inlays to strengthen it on the top and bottom sides, can the bag be washed without destroying the strengthening effect of those inlays? Has anyone done it yet?
  4. B

    Xfce Desktop Black?

    Well I guess I have to do a reflash then, nonetheless thanks for looking into the problem Prometheus Edit: I tried the r shoulder button and r key it had no effect. When I log out and then relogin into Xfce the loginscreen is still visible where the desktop should have been. Doing reflash now
  5. B

    Xfce Desktop Black?

    all aplications from my SD card that should be in the start menue are visible in the start menue. in minimenue all aplications from my sd card are visible. Seems like xfce just skipps desktop initialisation for some reason. (It happens everytime I start xfce since the error appeared the first time)
  6. B

    Xfce Desktop Black?

    I recently turned off my Pandora (a hard task :D ) when I turned it back on, the desktop was pitch black, no wallpaper nor icons where visible (taskbar is still visible and working). When switching to minimenue everyhing works fine. After resetting the device, the problem still occurs. Do I...
  7. B

    Release Gngeo 0.8.2

    anyone had luck running KOF98 without crashing? my KOF98 rom (38,6 MB zipped) seems to exit the emulator to the desktop when running in XFCE, tried it in the Minimenue and the game reset itself instead of killing the emu. The crashes seem to happen completly random...
  8. B

    Release Gngeo 0.8.2

    thanks for the new version Pepone, now the roms previously tested are now working flawlessly after I zipped my Bios (got the error of missing Bios in your new version, so that did the trick) Is there a way to access Neogeos menue for activating blood in Metal Slug?
  9. B

    Pandora Pandora's Box

    that is an interesting difficulty system you have there, with this every user gets his own personal difficulty setup. If the ranking system would spit out the best score on first try the game would be declared as easy. But you´ll need some amount of different small games that go with your...
  10. B

    Pandora Pandora's Box

    this would be like a multi game launcher with an archievement system, which also includes a story that would develop itself further as you unlock more archievements... I think you´ll need to pack those selection menues full with gameplay (like build a little aventure around it) but then adding...
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    Release Gngeo 0.8.2

    Sorry, didn´t thought that the romset support would change that much in 0.7 to 0.8, now i´m off to get newer ones :D
  12. B

    making the world map system ready

    making the world map system ready
  13. B

    making the world map system ready

    making the world map system ready
  14. B

    Release Gngeo 0.8.2

    I had the 0.7 version, I copied the new pnd over the old one. This is the exact error message comming from the gui: Error!= Gngeo Couldn´t init kof98: Rom/media/mmcblk0pl/rom/neogeo/ not found Maybe theromset you´re using is too old the same error happens with Edit: I...
  15. B

    Release Gngeo 0.8.2

    tried it, very nice fontend! This time it recognizes my kof98 rom, but it won´t load it and says that the file or folder isn´t found and then suggests me, that the romset is too old. Also a romset (mslugx) which worked in the previous version won´t load either and gives me the same error.
  16. B

    Beta Mupen64Plus

    Yes you can exit almost every program with this, also you can go to the xfce shut down menu if no other application is selected
  17. B

    Pandora Pandora's Box

    The Levels connected to the main room, are they also in the same top view like when you are in the box? Is this a top down shooter or more of a search for specific items in different rooms game? Or is the user able to throw in say jumpn run levels or shooter levels or small rpg levels? Also the...
  18. B

    Beta Mupen64Plus

    regarding the issue with not being able to exit a game when not using picklelauncher: I allways closed games in mupen64 using alt + F4, it still works regarrdless of picklelauncher. Edit: The edited version of Pokeparadox now has the autoframeskip option, but it seems Notaz's R2 Sound Plugin is...
  19. B

    Which Browser Do You Mostly Use On Your Pandora?

    II am using Arora the most, it is very stable and don`t loses connection. The speed is also quite satisfying once it has started up when compared to the stableness... II had that wierd problem with chromium, it showed up in theruning apps section even after it was closed or after I heavily tried...
  20. B

    Frontier: Elite 2 -- Is It Possible To Port This?

    sorry to hear that, for me it is a hard thing to turn off the pandora, so that must be a real pain :( Hope you get your Pandora back soon and thanks that you are trying to port this delicious piece of a game. :)