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  1. B

    Smashgp2x 0.2

    Okay I never played smash GP much cause the gameplay seemed more like a random generated one... I mean the controlls where a bit bad in the GP32 version, also the game scene wasn´t very overwatchable... I think this game needs far more work to be played like a game like this should be played
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    Nk's New Snes Emulator

    Hi all It is slower right, but it is way more compatible than Squidgesnes so it is nice to see people who develop this emulator further.
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    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    I think they are allready working on that by trying to make the emu faster...
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    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    I tried ace combat2 it was almost playable ingame at 280 Mhz, only in the menus there was a bug that only the upper half of the screen was emulated and than being streched to cover the screen... But i can live with it :D
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    Too Many Files Specified.... What?!

    I finally made it using the dos command line so I can finally compile my prgs... Besides another question. Is it normal that the fenix runtime exits without an error message when it is getting problems with games that code isn´t supported yet? Is there a list which functions are causing such...
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    Too Many Files Specified.... What?!

    No that cant be the cause because I´d tried it with prgs that didn´t had empty spaces in their fil. It happens since I got my new computer with windows xp.
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    Too Many Files Specified.... What?!

    I can say that the .prg is in the same folder as the fenix files
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    Too Many Files Specified.... What?!

    Hello as the Gp2x finally arrived I wanted to do some fenix coding but when I whant to compile to a *.dcb I get the error "to many files specified" and I´m getting this error how matter what prg I want to compile... Anyone had this problem too? I´m getting slowly mad here because I just want to...
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    Fenix From Pc To Gp Problem

    Not to missunderstand this... If I want more Strings than one saved I´ll need Struct blah[5] array[20] End So for each letter an array space... I´ll try this one! Thank you really much! :D Added: Okay tried it but now it crashes when i am using it on my PC and my GP... But the file is created...
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    Fenix From Pc To Gp Problem

    You mean I should change the strings to integer before saving and when loading restore them to strings? I´ll try this out thanks B) Added: Could somebody please tell me the string to int command and the int to string command? Tried it now but it didn´t work with itoa... Looks like I need...
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    Fenix From Pc To Gp Problem

    Hello everyone! I have a problem on one of my fenix prgs. I made a prg wich stores 6Strings in a *.lst file I wanted to use it for creating own Levelsets for my game project. I runned this program under Windows and it successfully created my list. I was also able to load the List in my game...
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    GP32 Creating A Level Editor In Fenix

    Creating a Level Editor in Fenix the basics: First at all you´ll need to create a structure: STRUCT lx[(Number of fields horizontal)] ly[(Number of fields vertical)]; END First choose your grid size. if you want 20*20 Pixels as grid size and your levelmapsize is 500*500 you´ll need 25 fields...
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    GP32 Shooter Game Project

    There aren´t any Tutorials about a Level editor? If so I should write a Level Editor tutorial, because it is important for making good jump´n run games or strategy games or Rpgs or Puzzlers in Fenix. Think I should have written it till tommorow then I just need a place to put it. But I´ll keep...
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    GP32 Shooter Game Project

    I think the ships size is nice because you have energy and the levels are made so that you could evade every bullet if you do good... Here are some Pics of the second level I just begon:
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    GP32 Shooter Game Project

    I usually have 25 Graphics for a levelset each 20x20 pixels. If there is some free space on the Fpg left you could put your own graphics there indeed.
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    GP32 Shooter Game Project

    I have started a space shooter game here are some images: upgrade screen: ingame screens: I made Level Editor and a scroll engine of my own for the game, so you can make levels that are 10000 Pixels and up in Y-size without storing such a big image. The pictures are from an earlier version...
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    Xgp - First Pictures

    What specs has the Xgp got ?? Better than the giz? If not it isn´t worth a buy... But the Gp2x or whatever it is called is just to bad you couldn´t emulate Neogeo on it so it isn´t a real good emulation system... They had to make a System with 500Mhz and 2D accelerator that would be fine but the...
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    Xgp - First Pictures

    If the Xgp has more power than the Gpx2... Hell I´ll buy the Xgp because i won´t buy a system with minor power like the Gpx2 ok it looks good designed but you won´t get any use just of the good design, it is the hardware which makes it good. So if this Xgp is opensource and has as good specs as...
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    Xgp - First Pictures

    Wow on the 2th picture it looks smaller, maybe a newer or older version? Like it better than the 1st pic because the 2nd reminded me more on the old Gp32 than the first... But which specs has it got? I heard from some posts here that it is opensource others say it isn´t opensource is there any...
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    Gpx2 Unvailed!!

    I use Znes and it is terrible slow even with scanlines... But perhaps it is only because windows also needs ram...