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  • Users: Nutzo
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  1. N

    Is the GP32 dead soon?

    Is the giffel who started this topic the same giffel who did the (very nice) GUI for GPengine?! Because I hope black- doesn't share his views on the GP32 if he is the same guy. GPengine is so good and I was hoping with all my heart to see a new version or 2 in the near future. :-/
  2. N

    English Mill

    Man, they need to get ASR and Mill translated! So many people would buy those games. I'd buy both immediately if they were in English. And I mean the full boxed versions too.
  3. N

    Is the GP32 dead soon?

    The point of the matter is that I've seen (to the fullist degree) what the PPC is capible of ... which is about 5 tiers above what the GP32 will ever hope for (ex: 3D reflection mapping). Haw, and the controls would still SUCK! As for Tomb Raider, big whoop. The GP32 could proabbly do that...
  4. N

    Is the GP32 dead soon?

    Folks, don't buy the bull about PocketPC being better than GP32 - it's not. I have 2 PocketPC's. Yes it has some good games, the guy mentioned Snails for example, which is my favorite PPC game (it's like Worms). In fact, I emailed the company that makes Snails and asked for a GP32 version. But...
  5. N

    Is the GP32 dead soon?

    Well, we're getting off topic, but you should be able to get silky smooth scrolling in any PC emu. For Genesis I use Gens, and it's smooth as can be at 60fps, whether output to my TV or my various other displays. Make sure you use a graphics mode set to 60Hz. Generally triple buffering and/or...
  6. N

    Is the GP32 dead soon?

    Bwahahaha!!! Why do I laugh maniacally? Because I'm Nutzo? Yes... perhaps. But also because I took the OPPOSITE rout e of the misguided soul above. I bought one of those nifty $300 PocketPC's (iPaq 1910) that can clock to 300Mhz. The idea was to use it for all sorts of stuff, but emulators...
  7. N

    Rick dangerous in the Ports section

    Sounds great. Controls are OK anyway, just different than most games, but they work when you get used to them. Hiscore save and level code selection would really improve the game's fun factor IMO - good luck!
  8. N

    GBC emus?

    It's decently fast. It has some nice full screen scaling options that slow it doan a little, but it's nearly full speed even then with sound on. And yes it supports saves, but not save states. If the real game cart had battery sram, then it will save that data and auto load when you start the...
  9. N

    Is the GP32 dead soon?

    This is just another example of the "specs" game. First off, forget the PSP - it's Sony, it's closed source and while it will be a solid 3D commercial game system, it won't have aCPU as fast as GP32 so even if emus could be developed somehow and the weird media circumvented, the GP32 is still...
  10. N

    TV Extension

    Where do people get all these wacky ideas about the GP32?! I've seen people think it plays all PC games, GBA games, has TV in/out and who knows what else. Don't people research stuff before buying?
  11. N

    How about vertical screen centering?

    Change the vertical offset on the fly and shift the display up when the keyboard is used. Then shift it back down when keyboard is off. That would work. :)
  12. N

    How about vertical screen centering?

    Would it be possible to add an option to center the ST display vertically on the GP32, so you'd have two think black bars, one on the top, one on the bottom, instead of the thick black are on the bottom? The reason I ask is because I think it'd look nicer (lame reason, I know), plus if you...
  13. N

    Rick dangerous in the Ports section

    Thanks, I didn't know about this port until now. I just played it for a while and it's great! Pretty funny considering I played the game for my first time ever yesterday in CaSTaway/GP. =) And now I have a perfect GP32 port. Hard game, but addictive and fun. Might be cool to have music added...
  14. N

    Best GP32 game?

    All For Princess is great!
  15. N

    GBA emu from yoyofr

    One thing for sure, if Yoyo can pull off full speed frameskip 0 GBA emulation, you'll see a LOT more GP32's being sold. ;) And GBA Flashcart sales will go down. Hehe. But I don't believe it will happen. Prove me wrong Yoyo, but I just don't.
  16. N

    GBA emu from yoyofr

    Hmm... Well I used to luv my Amiga and all, but I'd rather see Genesis and SNES. Why? Because computers are more of a hassle to use on GP32 because of the keyboard. Plus you can't beat Japanese consoles for gameplay - Gunstar Heroes and Final Fantasy 3 on GP32! =) That's the ticket!
  17. N

    GBA emu straight and for all

    It's limited to 4MB because GP32 only has 8MB RAM and you need room for the emu and other overhead. Usually GBA games are either 4MB (32mbit) or the next step above is 8MB (64mbit) so mostly you'd be limited to loading 4MB games. There aren't any 6MB GBA games, altho some 8MB ones can maybe...
  18. N

    Oh's another n00b

    Whether or not his q's are repetitive ( and they ARE ) you shoudn't be so rude and use foul language with the guy. That was really unnecessary and doesn't reflect how friendly this board USUALLY is. I'm ashamed that you talked like that and made us all look bad here. GP32 owners should be nice -...
  19. N

    GP32 VLM for the GP32

    Well, Yak has a GP32 for a long while now, so maybe eventually he'll code something. I would pay good money for Tempest 2000 on GP32. Or something as fun and interesting.
  20. N

    GBA emu from yoyofr

    I don't believe that at all, that a GBA emu can run full speed frameskip 0. If he can do it, then it'll seem like a miracle to me. And I will have a nearly religious awe for the GP32. I really don't see it being possible, but we'll see. I think most people would much rather have SNES and...