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  1. British

    FAQ for remaining Preorders of OpenPandora Ltd.

    Thanks for your answer. As long as it doesn't take two months, it's fine :rolleyes:
  2. British

    FAQ for remaining Preorders of OpenPandora Ltd.

    How long does it take for mails to be processed there ? I've sent an email 7 days ago and am yet to get an answer :unsure:
  3. British

    A physical Dummy, Power Usage and MIPI

    On the subject of batteries, for people that are *not* much mobile, will it be possible to operate the Pyra with the line plugged and the battery removed ? I've read somewhere that some notebook/ultrabook/whatever batteries do warp or expand a bit when being constantly plugged on an oulet. It...
  4. British

    A physical Dummy, Power Usage and MIPI

    It seems like we're leaning towards 2GB... for the time being.
  5. British

    A physical Dummy, Power Usage and MIPI

    Out of curiosity... regarding the power adapter, logic and cost notwithstanding, would it be possible to have both USB charging and a barrel connector (with the barrel having priority over USB) ? I tend to prefer barrel connectors, as I'm old-school like that, but if we can have both, all the...
  6. British

    Release 1Ghz boards. Fancy one?

    I might be blind, but I didn't find any answer to this, and I'm wondering the same.
  7. British

    I said it would be a full English breakfast. You'd want comfort food.

    <rant> Hmmm, how do you define "solid support". I'm still waiting for answers to my numerous bumps on my d-pad issue... No answer in three weeks... how solid would that be ? Maybe I should have bought a support badge, instead of a developer badge... had such a thing existed. Sorry to...
  8. British

    Sensitive D-Pad and some odd behavior on left nub

    So, I popped my Pandora open, and I had a good look at the innards, trying to figure out what might be going on... I noticed that the rubber "contact" (which I suspect is not rubber, but you know what I mean) of the down button is not meshed like all the other buttons... could this be the...
  9. British

    Release Hotfix 5 - RC2. Last one before going final

    That was a good question...
  10. British

    Sensitive D-Pad and some odd behavior on left nub

    Craiiiiig ! Please help me with my last attempt at fixing this prior to strongly thinking about RMA...
  11. British

    hotfix questions

    Would that be "Complete firmware image including all Hotfixes 2010-08 (Zaxxon)", or am I missing something ?
  12. British

    Skip OMAP4 and go directly to OMAP5?

    I may be wrong, but what I remember about OLED is that it had quite a short lifespan. Not sure under what circumstances, though. Also, it might have changed recently. Yes, I know that was very helpful :P
  13. British

    hotfix questions

    As you can see on the support page, each hotfix includes the previous ones.
  14. British

    Sensitive D-Pad and some odd behavior on left nub

    The situation hasn't changed, and I'd rather not open the unit for warranty reasons... Do you have any picture of what the D-Pad and the rubber look like, and even how they are connected to the board ? That might help with tinkering with the D-Pad without popping screws... or not :unsure:
  15. British

    Sensitive D-Pad and some odd behavior on left nub

    I did try to do some "hard pressing", but it didn't seem to do anything. Granted, I didn't press that much, since I don't want to break anything... Regarding the rubber, I'd say it feels the same way on every position. Also, the D-Pad is well-seated (meaning: it protrudes the same way on...
  16. British

    Sensitive D-Pad and some odd behavior on left nub

    The nub is OK, I guess. Still needs some battery-tinkering from time to time, though. My big concern still is the D-Pad. I pulled it, but the only thing I could see was the black thingie under, that I suppose actually makes contact. Is there something else to do on my part ? Pulling it...
  17. British

    Sensitive D-Pad and some odd behavior on left nub

    Hiya, Just got my Pandora (yay !), and there this one thing about the D-Pad that is making any use of the Pandora a pain: the down "button" is over-sensitive. What it means is that whenever I barely touch the down direction, without actually pressing it, it registers a press. The up...
  18. British

    place dans la file d'attente

    J'ai dans l'idée que tu vas t'amuser... S'il-y-a des acheteurs de Pandora qui ne connaissent pas (ou très peu) l'anglais, ils risquent d'être très vite à la ramasse pour ce qui est d'utiliser l'OS en dehors du minimenu et du GUI... ce qui représente sans doute déjà la vaste majorité des...
  19. British

    place dans la file d'attente

    L'intérêt d'un forum spécifiquement francophone ici me paraît plus que limité. Si vous avez réussi à vous frayer un chemin dans les méandres des pré-commandes (et peut-être même à glaner quelques informations ici et là), vous ètes fin prêts à utiliser le bestiau en mode "international" ! Le...
  20. British

    Portability of Ren'Py

    I'm afraid I lack some knowledge to figure out if Ren'Py is portable on the Pandora. I suppose it could be ported, being "free" (I couldn't find a mention of it being Open Source), written in Python and all, but I'm not 100% sure. Anyone more aware than me that could check that ? :unsure: