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  1. British

    psx4pandora question

    Ripped some of my CDs as cue/bin as well, but the point was to play them on my PC in the first place. I guess it'd make sense for just about any PSX emulator to play the same types of images.
  2. British

    How about some merchandise?

    No sentence is fine as well. The logo by itself would be quite perfect in my book. You could even call it a "secret" sign of recognition for those in the know.
  3. British

    Dosbox System shock 2

    Well, you don't really want to get me started about Bioshock ;] In my book it is not worth 20% of what SS2 (or even the first) was. Some people might find me a bit extremist when it comes to the SS franchise, though ^^
  4. British

    Best PS1 games thread

    Speaking of missing gems... Final Fantasy Tactics - Tactical RPG of awesomeness !
  5. British

    Dreamcast would be awesome

    The Pandora has been a few years in the making, so you don't have to worry about seeing a Pandora 2 any time soon. Investment notwithstanding, it would yet again take a few years to plan for what the second instalment would be about (hard/soft). Of course, the earlier it starts, the better...
  6. British

    Best SNES games

    Wishful thinking Christoph.Krn, but there's loads of people on the net that don't like to follow "rules", even if it's for helping people like them. Or they don't care. Or just don't notice. Regarding the formatting you propose, and since we're still in a daydreaming state, using the...
  7. British

    Best SNES games

    Sure, but the more people add titles, the more a "glance" won't be enough. My "problem" with the duplicates is that from what I understood these forums were supposed to be the entry level for people willing to discover the Pandora and its whereabouts. What a chore to dig through a "list" of...
  8. British

    The system specific game recommendation thread list.

    I read his comment as "someone need to create threads for those".
  9. British

    Best SNES games

    I don't know if there's a particular goal for those topics, but even if the OP is not updated with the titles given, it might be a good idea to check if the title(s) you plan on adding hasn't be listed already. I should probably help readability a bit... That goes for other similar threads...
  10. British

    The case of the case

    Yep, I've that here and there as well, but from a thread on GP32X it seemed that it didn't really alleviate the tightness issue.
  11. British

    Best SNES games

    I took the easy way and mentionned about every Square games... ain't that enough ? ;)
  12. British

    The case of the case

    There's some limits to the lack of imagination... The point was not to copycat (and there was most probably a limit to the name's length).
  13. British

    Best SNES games

    Square games, won't name them all, but I would probably put them all on the list, more or less. Shadowrun - Action-RPG - Based on the famous futuristic pen-and-paper RPG. I might list some other noteworthy games later.
  14. British

    Dosbox System shock 2

    "All time" in the strict meaning I guess ? You've been in the future and there was actually a SS3 at some point ? :rolleyes:
  15. British

    The case of the case

    Meh, I guess I'll never get a straight answer from the OPT anyway... may88, why would it seems odd ? I actually find it be pretty noobish to name oneself after his country, real name, real name backward, real name + some number... date of birth maybe ? :P In these days and age of Internet...
  16. British

    The case of the case

    I'm already surrounded by stuff I buy and don't use, so I don't really feel the new to expand that number whenever I can have control myself...
  17. British

    The case of the case

    That elk has a different story, ô thou all evil thread-derailers ! *spank* <Edit> And maple... I'm french :rolleyes:
  18. British

    Dosbox System shock 2

    You're missing much then (on PC, that is).
  19. British

    anyone notice?

    All the more reasons not to implement post counts on forums...