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  1. T

    GPBible v.01

    Please write me an email if you have problems with compiling. It's written in C++ so you have to do some special things. Better use the precompiled .fxe ;)
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    GPBible v.01

    Well yes it can. But I suppose that this beta version isn't really good for reading things like ebooks. On the other hand developpers might be interested in the way I am reducing loading time for the bible text and maybe someone wants to recylce my combo-class.
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    GPBible v.01

    lol, thought of converting bible texts to the internal time saving format. sorry for wrong english :D
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    GPBible v.01

    Well this the first (beta) version of the Bible Reader I developped for the GP32. You can download it from here: GPBible .01 Within the RAR-Archive you will find three bible texts (English and German) where you can choose one to use, the complete source of the program and some scripts to...
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    GP32 grilled

    No problem, I grilled my GP32 too and I fixed it. Just search this forum for some posts from me with the title "Fixed my GP", there will be a manual how to fix it. Good luck
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    Fixed my GP

    Well today I went to a friend of my father who knows everything about electric circuits. Although you can't see what element on my gp was damaged you could see that the diode has a short circuit in both ways if you tested it. So I could bring him to replace this SMD diode by some other diode...
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    Broke my GP

    thx, btw I got the link: I will ask Chris how to fix that as he is also german...
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    Broke my GP

    Btw, I don't know the english terms of those electric elements but could it be that I burned through a "Widerstand" (that's the way we call it in german, directly translated it means "Resistance"), you know this R=U/I thing. Maybe it is possible to replace this thing. On the other hand I don't...
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    Broke my GP

    Well I think it was proper equipment. It is the fault of gamepark when they use an inproper size of the power plug :angry:
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    Broke my GP

    I know we had this problem very often: Today I connected my GP to a car adapter but this little thing doesn't really fit the power connector of my GP so I got a short power break and the machine restarted. After that I didn't use the power adaptor anymore and used the batteries inside instead...
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    cheap SMCs in USA?

    Btw what's the price for a 128 MB SMC card in the US? In Germany, the [ spam ] I've ever found was 29 Euro ( thats around 30 Dollars ;-) ) for a Hama 128 MB SMC ( which works pretty well ).
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    GP32 Objects in C?!

    with Devkitadv for GP32 it is no problem to code C++ if that's your problem...
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    Is piracy a problem?

    * You can develop a different encryption scheme if you want to. I think the encryption scheme developed by gamepark is using the ID of the SMC card to check if you are allowed to play the game... * You can use ARM SDT in connection with the official SDK. There is also an official guide for...
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    Question about german gp32 owner!

    At least german is not as bad as french!
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    Question about german gp32 owner!

    Ich hab 45 Euro bezahlt bei einem Wert von 200,48 Euro (war die FLU Version von Lik Sang). Uebrigens: Wenn du es per UPS Express bestellst, dann ist das Ding in 3 Tagen da (oder noch frueher) UPS ist sauschnell!
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    GP32 Devkitadv under Linux

  17. T

    GP32 new ideas for a GBA emulator

    Just an idea: Wouldn't it be possible to port the ASM code on a PC to GP32 code as you only have to replace some API calls (that's what I guess, I don't code ASM)? Might be somehow difficult thinking of the sprite engine that the gba has but I think that might be a possible solution.
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    GP32 Devkitadv under Linux

    Well it works under windows for me but it won't work under Linux. Here what I did: I downloaded the devkitadv precompiled for Linux from the site than I downloaded devkitadv-gp32-v002b.rar and unpacked it so that everything should be at the right place. Than I fixed the to work...
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    GP32 Tremor

    can't someone post a link please?
  20. T

    GP32 Tremor

    Does anybody have a precompiled Tremor lib or knows how to compile it? The Problem is that my arm-compiler under Linux won't work and under windows it is impossible to compile it because you don't have automake && autoconf... Thx for help, David