Based on the same bulk USB drivers which Tim Shuerewegen's USB drivers are based on I am able to present you the GP32 USB Drivers for Windows XP 64 Bit Edition and Windows Server 2003 64 Bit Edition (AMD64). Now you are able to use PCLink also on Windows x86-64 platforms.
GP32 USB Drivers for...
Well I got some devkitadv for linux from chn who also made the devkitadv for windows, maybe you search the internet if you can find some sources or look if there is a tutorial howto get the devkitadv (gba) for linux to a devkitadv (gp32) for linux. for me it worked ;-)
refering to my coloured version of vi they are commented out :rolleyes:
well I copied the code directly from some devkitadv directory so don't blame me :P
however I was facing some trouble with memory allocation during development but it works now (at least it doesn't crash) and having no...
and then add to some c-file (but I still don't know how this really worked):
void* operator new( long unsigned int size ){
return ::gm_malloc(size);
void* operator new[]( long unsigned int size ){
return ::gm_malloc(size);
void operator delete( void* todel ){
You just can't use the standard c libraries - you have to use the functions from the sdk. Don't use <string> or <stdlib>
you can only use <gpstring.h> and <gpstdlib.h>
You also have to reimplement the new and the del operator like this:
/*#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>...
My program - GPBible - was also written in C++ using devkitadv under Linux. C++ is just C with added OOP functionality so you could start learning C and advance to C++ afterwards. But if you already have much experience with Java I'd recommend you to begin with C++ as it is much better for...
Well that's not true. Firstly only the old testament was written in what you refer to as ancient hebrew. From this there were documents found from some hundred years before christ was born (Qumran). And there were no big differences between those found documents and the bible the jews use...
Well, speaking about statistics, I think you cannot say it is more like that a higher being exists. And as I plan to begin studying physics I can tell you that almost all [phsysics] professors believe in a higher being...
Well, Genesis 9 Verse 3 explicitly says that you are allowed to eat animals:
"Every moving thing that lives shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things."
Well for you it might sound freaky but for me gpbible is very useful for me. I am meeting regularly other youths in my age to study bible with them and having it on my GP means that I don't have to wear the bible printed on paper (this book is big) and searching a certain verse is also much...
/me tells his lifestory
I was also born and still living in Bavaria - like Max - a region where the christian conservative bavaria-only part runs the government with a two third majority ( their slogan is 'Laptop and leather trousers ' ). However my parents don't origin from this region of...
Search function might be impossible because the speed of the SMC is too slow. What it does now is that:
It loads a definition file which is around 350kb big. This file stores start position and length of each bible verse. So you have instant access without loading the bible itself into memory...
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