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  1. Thyphoid

    b'ngo .. ?

    True. Who needs a device with multiple skills if none of them is performed good? You can't combine features in disadvantage of their function ... example: N-Gage.
  2. Thyphoid

    Geepee32 help

    I guess you try to start the FXEs using the GeePees' menu. Are you using the original firmware in your GP32? Have you already tried other firmware versions? I've got the same error message after I tried to simulate the firmware-flash process with GeePee. The original firmware still worked fine.
  3. Thyphoid

    Audio encoding in virtualdub

    What kind of file are you trying to convert? You installed the correct audio-codecs for that type of file you try to convert?
  4. Thyphoid

    It's Official

    Right, better obey Arnie, the true american powerkid. One of the true heros of the golden ironage. :)
  5. Thyphoid

    It's Official

    Got it. Everything I wrote was just because I didn't understood the truthes you declared. But I'm trying ...
  6. Thyphoid

    Anime setup

    This has been discussed MANY times before, I recommend you use the search-functionality of the board.
  7. Thyphoid

    It's Official

    zboy9, please understand, it ain't shit for live to end. Please don't write such things with your CNN-washed mind, telling irakis now can listen to metallica. The american-administration just got no right to tell arabian people what they got to do, starting a war that isn't legitim. Victims of...
  8. Thyphoid

    It's Official

    True, if you got the goods to campaign and nuff money to swing a decision.
  9. Thyphoid

    It's Official

    More frightening is that the majority of american citizens think live is a hollywood movie. The californian elections proof that again. You can't compare Adolf with Arnold, he's got much bigger biceps. Plus he won't come up with such crazy ideas like the evil man with the little beard.
  10. Thyphoid

    Problem with games for Frodo (C64)

    You can also download the little tool "GP32Renamer" from this site. I use it and its works fine.
  11. Thyphoid

    Question about GP32 games

    Some things they don't teach at the uni ... :rolleyes:
  12. Thyphoid

    It's Official

    Its impressive how the kid from the staiermark made his way to an american governor. We all know Arnie likes to train his body more than his brain. So he's a good action star and sportsman, but no politician.
  13. Thyphoid

    GP32 FLU + 128MB SMC for sale

    Canadian Dollar is very strong. Didn't know that. Not to good for international customers to deal with canadians. ;)
  14. Thyphoid

    English GP32 games!

    Sorry NightStar unless your real name is something like Marthy McFly I don't know what you mean. :)
  15. Thyphoid

    English GP32 games!

    I know you are addicted to mill in english but refers to a source I can't find. There are no messages at mitsui's website about the GP32 anyway. By the way, its now october, where is the GP32 advertise-campaign to introduce the unit for the public buying it at supermarket?
  16. Thyphoid

    Hi all I'm new

    Welcome to the community. Overclocking has been discussed a lot since the last version of the SNES-Emulator came up, which was not as fast as expected, so it needs to run overclocked. Check out some of the posts, its very funny, they even try to fry their GP32 ...
  17. Thyphoid

    PC-Link doesn't show contents of some dirs

    Oh yes, thats it! :D
  18. Thyphoid

    PC-Link doesn't show contents of some dirs

    I had the same prob with the doom directory. I dont know how to fully solve it, but you can use the refresh function when you browse inside the directory. Then the files should show up.
  19. Thyphoid

    I just tryed the snes9xgp 200mhz emu on my gp32

    I don't know exactly but I think the Vcore of the ARM-CPU is automatically adjusted when setting a higher clockspeed. That could be a reason why my pal can't overclock his FLU more than 133 Mhz when the light is switched on. When the light is turned off he can run it at any speed. :blink...
  20. Thyphoid

    help with geepee

    Use MakeSMC to create those virtual SmartMedia cards. Prepare a folder with the stuff the SMC will contain and run the program by following the instructions. You can get MakeSMC here: