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  • Users: kfuse
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  1. K

    Wiz Update

    lets just say there is a niche market all over. With main sales in korea and spaniards... and great idea about gmenu2x,
  2. K

    Pandora can handle N64 emulation

    okay thats like comparing apples to oranges... but seriously unichrome or intel GMA 950??? now that doesn't sound right especially since that thing lack T&L....I remember the old page on that thing when anand took a look at and they said that it only pulled 14 fps at like lowest res with...
  3. K

    Pandora can handle N64 emulation

    I'm pretty darn sure doom3 would be the limit of the pandora's ability. Outbeside that we need to chill out on what its capable of... N64 is a gimme, not even gonna argue that. PS1 is a definate gimme, q3 is a definate, but not q4, I think q4 is a little too much, and even if Doom3 runs, it...
  4. K

    'app Store-like Service'

    screen too small for browsing ????? so your telling me the wiz is too small for web browsing then what about the cell phone is that suppose to be a joke??
  5. K

    Openpandora Vs Gamepark Holdings Wiz

    actually I'm going to add to what stu said, a lot of fighting games use more than 2 buttons that are on opposite side, not just KOF, and watching movies on this thing would be a blast, be better than my cowon d2, I dunno why people are acting like this is competition or one is just gonna drive...
  6. K

    I Will Wait The Day When A Gp2x Wiz With Oled 3.5'' Screen Wi

    I think we are a bit too hasty on dissing a 2.8 oled, sounds like a Davemc rant more than anything, honestly most mp3 players don't even get beyond 2.0 oled, well except for cowon, so 2.8 is actually pretty good move, and only .2 less than full 3 inches which you really can't complain about, 3.5...
  7. K

    Wiz Release Date Known?

    In theory yes because they are a lot closer so they can potentially ship faster than UK or gp2xstore. As was the case with the f200, people roughly got f200's a little bit faster than those who got them from gp2xstore or out of UK.
  8. K

    What Should I Do?

    FPU = floating point unit, basically a lot of mathematics. basically wiz can handle most all emus NES, SNES, SMS, Genesis, Mame, FBA, Neo-geo, gamegear, gba, atari, its mostly the 8bit,16bit generations. and don't count on the DS happening. N64 is a no go Saturn probably no go dc nope psx is...
  9. K

    The Wiz Gets Proper Buttons And A 3.5mm Headphone Jack

    Yea that bites about the screen that makes this thing. only .3 bigger than my cowon d2, and that thing is 2.5 inch...heck my p2 was 3.0....could have at least tried 3.0 inch screen. oh well can't have everything...But still the OLED screen is major plus not many things have this right now...
  10. K

    The Wiz Gets Proper Buttons And A 3.5mm Headphone Jack

    can someone update the wiki??
  11. K

    Emlulators For The Wiz

    I'm pretty sure psx can finally happen, and that is true what exophase said about the N64, that might lead to some issues, so its just like I thought the wiz should be able to handle almost everything up to at least psx, with N64 as questionable with saturn on a probability of either unplayable...
  12. K

    Emlulators For The Wiz

    okay now betting this has been discussed already but I been wondering. The wiz getting 3d capabilities should open the door on some more emu's All the ones that the gp2x has had up until now should work and now more games should work especially the ones for FBA I can finally enjoy some more...
  13. K

    3 Question Wishlist

    well I dunno know if anyone told or if you found out already but raptor cannot be ported. NO source code...same with starcraft....dude open office is one things that can't run on open office uses a bunch of resources that gp2x doesn't have... I believe xpdf and we have a file manager...
  14. K

    Where Is The New Info On The Panda?

    Hah mainstream media <_< I hope you were referring to the community when you said this and that other tech site.
  15. K

    Commercial Games/mainstream?

    heh the title of subject is commercial games/ mainstream and we're still complaining about the people get a grip...
  16. K

    Should I Buy A New Pc Or Pandora?

    and while your at it upgrade the whole pc...I mean when you slap another mobo you are so better off just uppin the whole thing....matter a fact have you even topped out your old board yet??? I dunno because when I read this normally when you upgrade, you upgrade the board you have in...
  17. K

    Independent Game Developers

    heh funny, I said it before you gotta get a company to want to develop for a product before anything major happens... First off there are plenty of psp's and ds's out there. Most of you will say well yea thats friggin obvious, but it will take a lot to get this handheld to even remotely...
  18. K

    Battery Life

    yea that's strange 8 hrs man I rarely get more than 4 and thats with 2650mah...
  19. K

    What If...

    drops to a price more suitable for a handheld man why do people keep bring this up...I swear man I wonder how many more people will continue to complain about the price. Sigh... well anyway anyone got any news if we'll score some good games for pandora????
  20. K

    What If...

    Trust me pandora is not perfect...there are some people on this forum that want pandora to do things that are honest to god not even remotely reasonable... Still pandora at least has things that the community have asked for. like the little things we never got like wifi and dual sdhc slots, I...