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  1. P

    3rd Party Accessories

    APPLE WIRELESS KEYBOARD???? why apple overpriced bullshit... i also need to know if the sixaxis (dual shock 3s work)
  2. P

    Pandora's Emulators - What Will Work And What Won't

    if your looking to get a higher horsepowered game... porting is better if it has a source code... see how PS2 s are emulated poorly and only work on top of the line computers?
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    Any Boot Animation Details?

    sound?sound? weres the sound?
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    Which Quake Engine To Port?

    cant u connect a mouse and keyboard to the pandora?
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    What About Saturn Emulation?

  6. P

    The Pandora Port Request Thread

    itunes is garbage fanboi...
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    Any Boot Animation Details?

    i like the opposite....probably 5-7 seconds.
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    What Will Os Be Like?

    DOS? comon... saying command line makes it more legit.
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    The Pandora Port Request Thread

    wait, i thought the only way to actually have a game is: having a source code make a similar copy.. why would it matter if it was free or not?
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    Pandora's Emulators - What Will Work And What Won't

    dude.... ive been building computers since i was 11... its not a big deal. I want to work on the microprocessing research when im older though.
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    Sdhc Card Prices Plummetting

    me want fast one.
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    Newsletter Received.

    (deleted by me old info...) thanx
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    Future Pandora's Owners : Where Do You Live ?

    ょー im half japanese half persian.. i live in beverly hills california. can anyone beat that?
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    Newsletter Received.

    is this email supposed to be a secret of some sort? i didnt get it. and i was lurking since the beggining of 08 and signed up this summer.
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    The Pandora Port Request Thread

    IKURUGA, IF POSSIBLE or something similar(original preferred even if it might not be possible.)
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    Pandora Questions And Answers

    i know for a fact that the sound quality is beyond amazing.