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  1. P

    Release Sega Saturn

    Even when Saturn was a mainstream console back then... game creators were having the hardest time coding for it. Doubt it is gonna happen.
  2. P

    Free as in Freedom

    I'm confused in why would he want to do all this?
  3. P

    Release GP32X = back

    rick roll is not funny anymore... It has been destroyed.
  4. P

    Love thy noob

    no, there is something called "google"... It's pretty amazing.
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    The Keyboard

    you should ask ryan0 about this
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    Pandora modding!

    Oh! Something reminded me in the keyboard discussion! ILLUMINATED KEYBOARD!
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    Audio control while clamshell is closed

    Apples headphones are horrible. It's actually one of the huge reasons why many reviewers rated the G4 ipod a 4.5/5.
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    USB cable included?

    there are such things as male to male usb cables, but they are very expensive.
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    Pandora modding!

    I remember firefox saying it on one of the stickies.
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    Pandora modding!

    yes a l2 and r2 tut would be wonderful. On a side note, people like me love leds and lights!
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    Pandora modding!

    i would link it to you if the forums are up
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    List of PSX games you plan/hope to play

    Because the PSP is a game system, the pandora is an open source system... HUGE gap. I want the DC to be emulated, IMO it was the xbox of that generation.
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    Sound Quality

    sound quality is amazing on the pandora...
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    Pandora modding!

    That psp looks way too "pretty"... I rather have a hardware mod that actually increases the pandora's performance. Anyhoo.... I would LOVE tutorials! It is said that you can add more ram(or a better stick) to the pandora, but requires a lot of experience... softmods? How can you softmod a...
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    Eye of the beholder, dungeon master, captive etc

    or you can just plug in a mouse..
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    isn't there a ethernet port on the pandora? why would you need a USB to ethernet adapter?
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    Accumulator / battery suggestion (LiFePO4)

    are the batteries for the pandora customized? Or can I get a better one with more MaH juice?
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    The Keyboard

    okay... since I'm half Japanese; can i get katakana, hiragana, kanji on my keyboard as well?
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    N64 ???

    okay, from what i heard the arm proc does not give out heat when oc'ed
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    Quick Questions before deciding to purchase

    Remember its "open".. So it will take time, but... you can expect the unexpected.