that's a bit much, in fact i'm sorry if i was a bit scathing, however we're all quite pissed about the how things are going at the moment & there are already a bunch of threads on the topic.
How can you possibly know that for sure? even if you were to have experience in this field there is no way of knowing for sure that that's the specific reason for the crack. You don't have any more information than anyone else here and yet you are stating things as if they are fact. We are all...
Will you PLEASE stop spouting this bull-shit? The cases haven't even been screwed together, you clearly don't know what you're talking about & you're only inflaming the situation. Knock it off.
i think we can all agree that someone making the rounds with the pandora at GDC is worth getting bumped up 1 place in queue.
however, we expect a detailed photo-journal of it on the floor (not literally)
that will be all
-Your Demander-in-chief
At first I was on the edge of what to do here; Do I accept an imperfect case & be in the first of the first, or do I continue to wait & give up my place in the queue (150-250)? but I've come to the decision that I'm willing to accept an imperfect case since the 'perfect' ones will be sold later...
to all y'alls that got a phone that easily... you suck ;P =]
I always seem to have the shittiest luck when it comes to phones =[ at least this one isn't made of glass >=[
wow, looks like you put some effort into this vid, thanks ED! =] Maybe now we can put this whole ghosting issue to rest, it looks much more than acceptable.
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