Search results

  1. Consequence_9

    Height Of The Display On The Pandora

    imho widescreen is much more aesthetically pleasing, probably something to do with them being close to the golden ratio, shouldn't be too bad ;]
  2. Consequence_9

    Height Of The Display On The Pandora

    besides, what's wrong with running games in 4:3 mode in... 4:3 mode? tbh, i don't think I've seen any recent displays that are 4:3 (that's not to say they aren't making them or they don't exist, just that they're not very common anymore)
  3. Consequence_9

    Out Of Curiosity...

    I'm 19, be 20 in april. Just started goin to school for comp. engineering. I've been following the pandora project since a few months before I registered here, which put me at about 17 I think. Before that I'd ordered a gp32 from craig waaaay back when, jeez I must have been like 12 or 13. If...
  4. Consequence_9

    Collectors - Cherished Games?

    A factory sealed copy of Sonic CD
  5. Consequence_9

    Estimate Position

    yup, it was probably us that brought the server down ;] ordered from GBAX within the first half-hour, my place in line is between 150-250
  6. Consequence_9

    Android/iphone Forum Viewer

    hmm... no webOS version? GP32X on the pre's browser is all kindsa fucked. But yah I'd definitely be interested if it was on webos (just emailed them about it actually)
  7. Consequence_9

    Windows 95 Runs On N900 Via Dosbox

    the only windows game I really care about is half-life & that will never happen in an emulated windows environment on the pandora, so i don't really care.
  8. Consequence_9

    The Pandora Has Landed

    Maybe for tweaks & such, but Mweston was primarily the board designer
  9. Consequence_9

    Engadget Engaging In Censorship

    SO Last night I posted a comment on this article, and woke up to find my comment had been removed. Word for word it said "this article is not just slanted, it's plain rude". Was I in the wrong here or does it seem like the OP was needlessly attacking opera's decision for no good reason (other...
  10. Consequence_9

    Will A Dingoo Out Perform A Gp2X F200

    loooooooooooooool "MEGAR DRIVE" ;]
  11. Consequence_9

    Best Handheld For 16Bit Emulation Is?

    Picodrive for Dingux works quite well, and the games look really good on it. For some games though you'll have to overclock it to get them to run smoothly (a trivial matter). Gameboy/Color however is AMAZING on the dingoo. I replayed LoZ: Oracle of Seasons & Warioland II all the way through & it...
  12. Consequence_9

    Why Is Getting A Phone So ****ing Obnoxious?

    Soooooo I finally got it [and it's amazing]! I would be posting from it, however the forums don't display correctly on it =/ every post looks like this. One word per line lol
  13. Consequence_9

    Pandorapress Webpage Hacked ?

  14. Consequence_9

    Pandara Is Vaporwear

    APESHIT APESHHIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!-HOMOSTUPIDS (my favorite hometown cleveland band ;]) best fucking monday ever!! Pandora gets a greenlight & I [finally] get a pre plus ;D
  15. Consequence_9

    Ipad: What Do People Here Think Of It?

    yes a quite expensive gag gift... it certainly makes me gag. only problem with that is the ll/xl didn't loose any features during the embiggening process, whereas the ipad... not so much.
  16. Consequence_9


    yah, tbh that looks terrible. Separated d-pad, controls inlaid with those weird 'fins' on the sides(for lack of a better word), shitty psp nub/clone psp go layout... garbage. Might as well just get a dingoo & save yourself 30 bux.
  17. Consequence_9

    only 16? I dunno why but I always thought you were much older ;]

    only 16? I dunno why but I always thought you were much older ;]
  18. Consequence_9

    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    exactly! It's like a bad joke or something. 'We'll thank them', yah, i kno just how we can thank them.... Thank you for registering just to post that! Very informative & constructive, this is the kind of info that is really good to have. Stuff like this can help MWeston ask more targeted...
  19. Consequence_9

    A Personal Opinion About The Case (Moulding)

    I agree. Despite having said I'd go with them given the choice to preserve my place in line, I'm not so sure anymore (knowing now that it's much more than visual flaws & that the crack was not limited to just the one case). It's looking less & less likely that a small run of these cases is a...
  20. Consequence_9

    A Personal Opinion About The Case (Moulding)

    Are you shitting me? That's fucking insulting. They even went as far as saying that you'd thank them for how 'perfect' they were? un-fucking-believable.