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    Sdxc Support?

    There are SD (not SDHC) 4GB cards.
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    Game Format (physical Format) Of (ahahahah!) Commercial Games?

    Of course, since the application is getting the serial number from the kernel it is trivial to bypass. The DRM features of SD cards cannot be used, since Linux has no support for those features.
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    May The Power Be With You

    Have you been to any airport lately? Try sneaking a screwdriver aboard an airplane and you might end up in Guantanamo or one of its equivalents. And this is probably one of the most common scenarios for requiring extra uptime. For me the other scenario is trips to away matches of my favourite...
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    Should I Wait?

    This does get off topic, but still: There is no licensing problem with DSP, and anyone can program it, see here for example: It is not possible to circumvent the display controller - the bandwidth between OMAP and display controller is less than...
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    Should I Wait?

    The video performance problem does not have a lot to do with licensing - it is the result hardware limitation of the OMAP2 (internal video controller does not support 800x480x16 bit) and a wrong solution (external video controlled connected to OMAP by a slow bus). Still, it seems that the...
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    Should I Wait?

    Try playing a movie for a few minutes - the N800 will get a little warm.
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    Reordering Update

    This needs clarification: I talked with my bank and the fees I'll pay are about 20 pounds. So should I transfer 178 pounds to pandora for my 198 pounds order?
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    Mobile Internet

    Theoretically, it is possible. I remember doing exactly this with a Nokia 5110 phone, but I don't know if current phones are still capable of acting as analog modems. You should also remember that your voice data gets at best 12Kbit/s, so with the digital->analog->digital->analog->digital...
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    Mobile Internet

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    All Refunds Not Sent Yet

    I think you missed a few details - whoever decides to reorder will have to pay way more than refunded - a few percent price hike by "open pandora inc." and another comission to bank/credit card. In essence, we have a blackmail offer from Pandora - either accept a loss of 30$ and get nothing or...