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    Eta On 2Nd Batch?

    No. That depends on the TA of the first batch. We had enough E's already.
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    July Is Here - When Will It Be Released

    So we only have 10 months to wait for the second estimate?
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    Cnc Data

    You are kidding, right? The Pandora board is a slightly tweaked Beagle Board. There are probably hundreds of shops in China (and thousands all over the world) that could start now with a beagle board and have something similar enough to the Pandora board before the Pandora is generally available.
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    "estimated" Release Date

    Please ask ED or craigix if they want/can refund 11% of the orders before giving this inane advice.
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    Batch 2 Release Date

    Wow, you seem to know an awful lot of things. Maybe you could tell me what problem we'll have next. 'cause I DON'T know :) So you did not know how long the manufacturing process takes, and still you promised to have the devices ready in less than two months when you sold them? That is handling...
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    So What Is The Pandora Battery Life?

    The OMAP takes more than 500mW when active, I don't know where the 50mW figure comes from. See page 6 of this document: The 540mW figure excludes some of the chip functions (I/O, which is not trivial, being at a higher voltage, for example), and...
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    (second) Guessing Game

    So you are saying that people expect it to ship 2 months from now.
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    Pandora As A Remote Control

    If you are going to open the pandora, you can surely find some free GPIO connection: - maybe the RTS or the DTR of the serial port, - or one of the OMAP pins that is unused and can be configured to be GPIO (many of them can) - or from the audio codec If you find it, all you need is a simple...
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    Fat File System Licensing?

    Did the people who suggest paying MS ever read the license that the FAT code OP plan to distribute? The code is under GPL v2, and that means that means that if it is patent encumbered, OP need to either pay MS for the right to use this code anywhere (not only on devices sold by OP), or they are...
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    Usb-2-vga - Works On Linux, Plug & Play

    The SiS USB-VGA adapter works with Nokia N800/N810 internet tablets, so the Pandora should have no problem. I am not sure how fast it will be able to render some PDF pages. See here for some details:
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    Some Clarifications On Pre-Orders

    It is wrong to say the GBAX affiliation wasn't considered. The credit card payments did go to GBAX, not Open Pandora. The situtation is clear: Craig does not want credit card payments. Claiming he can't accept them (while accepting them in his other hat) is a lie.
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    Working Payment Options

    Do you want to bet on getting an official answer? speculation is all we got.
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    Working Payment Options

    You are not supposed to ask this question.
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    Working Payment Options

    Maybe you should discuss the credit card situation with the people that run They seem to have no problem accepting credit card payments while selling unknown devices such as GP32.
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    Transfers... Tranzfers..

    I did not get my money back. I got part of my money back. At the end of September I made a deal with the open pandora people: I give you 330$ by credit card now, you send to me a Pandora when it is ready. I did my part. If they intend to not do their part (I hope not, meanwhile it is only on...
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    Transfers... Tranzfers..

    If they do that, I promise you that if this thing is actually manufactured and sold eventually, and it comes up on slashdot/digg/engadget/whatever, there will be tens or hundreds of people who will explain to potential customers, what kind of thieving bastards are trying to steal their money by...
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    Transfers... Tranzfers..

    Why bother with pre-orders if it is so much trouble. You said you have enough money to produce 4000 Pandoras even without the pre-orders money. You saw that there are about 4000 people willing to pay (actually, paid already once), so there is no risk in making 4000. Make the damn thing and...
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    Pandora Shipping In February 2009?

    I hope this decision is not set in stone (or silicon) yet. SD is faster than internal NAND and bigger than internal NAND, so no multiple partitions needed if you need the size. From my experience on Nokia N800 and N810, I do want to boot from SD by default. The slowing of the boot process can...