Search results

  1. myownlittlworld

    Corrupt A Wish

    Granted, but it comes with your crazy Back-to-the-Future uncle, too. Turns out, he's also your nephew, due to some creative temporal pardoxing. Off Topic: This was the evil goto nest I referred to earlier in the thread, when wishing for Raptors. Keep in mind, this isn't all the gotos, only...
  2. myownlittlworld

    Digital Memories

    If you like the 8-bit feel, you should also check out Pornophonique. Try listening to Sad Sad Robot, definitely the best song on that release.
  3. myownlittlworld

    Corrupt A Wish

    You met a baby grue which is obviously too young and sweet to harm you. The mother grue becomes irked and tears you in half moments before eating you. I wish Raptors did actually eat the guy who used an infinite number of goto statements, that I now have to fix.
  4. myownlittlworld

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    Does CC actually know these forums exist? If so, do they check them? It's a pretty foolish for a business to ignore such simple and valid criticism that's so publicly available... They're giving themselves a bad image. :( Better to keep OP happy and their public image decent. :)
  5. myownlittlworld

    Ultrabox's are In-Stock for your Pandora

    I actually went with the Pelican 1040 instead of the Ultrabox, mostly because I'm a fan of getting the smallest and most padded box possible (I already have a bag to carry the rest of the accessories in), and it's fantastic, a few inches smaller (in length and width) than either Ultrabox. It's...
  6. myownlittlworld

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    ED, you guys've been working your asses off for years. I don't actually believe any of you have an ass left. ...Hey, you could also sell the Pandora as a diet device! That's yet another feature that no other device actually has...
  7. myownlittlworld

    Ultrabox's are In-Stock for your Pandora

    Wow, perfect timing! I was just searching for a case (beyond the official soft-case), this looks fantastic. Could we get a picture of a Pandora against a 308 and against a 408? I'm trying to get a good idea of the size, but I don't even know which one that's a picture of (I assume it's the...
  8. myownlittlworld

    Release Bork'd

    That's why developing without a unit isn't recommended, you miss those fundamental subtleties. The quick fix, of course, is to extract the script to /usr/bin (or just /bin) on the NAND and give it a .desktop file. I'll look into creating an installer/uninstaller (as exists for Java, Timidity...
  9. myownlittlworld

    Pandora Caching Suggestion for Pandora

    I'd really REALLY like to see some test data on this claim, please. Here's an oversimplification of how it's supposed to work (and does work on Linux, OSX, and Windows, until somebody can prove otherwise to me). Keep in mind that RAM has one of a few states: In Use: A program's using this...
  10. myownlittlworld

    PYQT4 Core?

    Yeah, skipping "upButton = ..." was what I meant by oversimplification. As long as you understand that a decorator wraps your function (think Advice in the Emacs paradigm) you got it.
  11. myownlittlworld

    Document viewer keeps crashing when viewing PDFs

    Have you tried restarting the Pandora before viewing the PDFs? DocViewer is effectively Evince, which is a very stable and featureful viewer, in my experience. If restarting doesn't help, would you be able to post the PDF here so we could try to debug it?
  12. myownlittlworld

    PYQT4 Core?

    Well, what's @pyqtSlot? It's bugging out because it has no idea what you're trying to do with the decorator. GIMF: pyqtSlot is available as of QT 4.5. Chances are you don't have that version. Just to explain what's going on behind the scenes, your code above is pretty equivalent to...
  13. myownlittlworld

    one of my sdcards causes MiniMenu to fail spectacularly

    I had this exact same problem. Thought I was crazy, but it happened once I installed the Updated Bluetooth Daemon in my menu folder. If I removed it from my menu folder, everything worked correctly. Of course, the menu folder is the only one I use, so any folder might be affected. Can't...
  14. myownlittlworld

    Release Bork'd

    Have you ever had one of those bad days where none of your PNDs actually launched, and you eventually found out that was because of some random PND that crashed three hours ago, and there was nothing left to do but restart your Pandora? Yeah, we all have. Well, now there's an answer to your...
  15. myownlittlworld

    EXT connectors

    WS, let me know if there's anything I can do to un-bus your numbers, if you need it. I might be able to help a little shortly.
  16. myownlittlworld

    Noob Questions 101 LOL

    Yeah, trash is just a named folder that XFCE treats specially (because it knows it's your Trash folder!). So, sure, you can delete the trash. If it doesn't exist at all, XFCE probably recreates it every time you login or something. But yeah, outside of the special consideration that XFCE...
  17. myownlittlworld

    Pygame Framerates and HWSURFACE?

    OpenGL support is, unfortunately, OpenGL, no OenGL-ES, so the OpenGL parts of Pygame would need to be rewritten. HWSURFACE support should be based on what SDL has access to, though I'm not completely sure on that. Don't think you often recompile Python scripts though ;)
  18. myownlittlworld

    My Pandora is a... Time Machine?!

    (aside: "My Pandora is a..." Could be an excellent marketing scheme, emphasizing the inherent freedom in the device. Sans EULA, ED and Craigix are never going to sue me for using my device in the following, or any, way. Damn DMCA.) Spoiler: Lots of explanatory text to set up the situation...
  19. myownlittlworld

    Pygame Framerates and HWSURFACE?

    A very lazy testing script follows. This didn't change the display info on my laptop at all, nor my Pandora.
  20. myownlittlworld


    Using Notaz's SDL binaries somewhat improve the Pygame framerates (while playing BSA). However, as Tempel notes, we still don't have hardware acceleration, which is probably where the biggest speedups will come from.