Search results

  1. timothee

    bypassing emulator frontends

    Hi there, So I've been using my pandora for a while, and I've realized my usage pattern is typically to be engrossed in *one* game for days or weeks at a time. During that period, I seldom switch games, and I find that the frontends get in my way: I want to start that one game but I find...
  2. timothee

    intro guide to making 2d platformers

    I just stumbled across this article, which I thought was quite a nice intro to the topic (with nice retro-game examples): http://higherorderfu...2d-platformers/
  3. timothee

    Bad films that are actually good

    I can't agree with that. I hate Alien 4. It threw away the serious tone of the franchise by introducing that band of ridiculous space pirates and shoot-on-the-ceiling-do-2-rebounds-on-pipes-and-kill-the-guard-behind-me nonsense. please.
  4. timothee

    supaboy & co: looking nice

    Hey there, I just stumbled upon this pretty cool looking system: It's probably already known, but since a search in the forums for "supaboy" didn't yield anything, I thought I'd share: Although, I would probably not buy it (2.5...
  5. timothee

    (The best of May 2012) Must have PNDs

    A few more time sinkers for your must-have list: GnGeo WindAndWater (not on the repo, only on Sqrxz (beware, your sanity might take a hit) nxengine (Cave Story) Ri-Li (on zx-81's site: Wolf3D (also on...
  6. timothee

    What are you playing this weekend/these days?

    Super Metroid on snes9x4p
  7. timothee

    pls help to identify cpc6128 games

    Found it at last! The Pengo-clone game I used to play was called "Ice Strad". I found it on cpc-power's website (they have a "style: pengo" group :) ). It was indeed a type-in published in Amstrad Magazine #23 (June 1987).
  8. timothee


    Looks like XX in the "Button-XX" entries are only meant to be continuous indexes, I changed the file to this: Button-73=280,(Y) Button-74=281,(X) Button-75=279,( Button-76=278,(A) Button-77=9,Tab Button-78=303,(L) Button-79=305,(R) [/CODE] And now (A) works to play a file in...
  9. timothee


    Hi there, I'm running gmu 0.8.0beta1as a music player and I'm very happy with it. I have a slight problem with the Play File In Browser mode key (A), pandora.keymap correctly shows: FileBrowserPlayFile=(A) so I went to check gmuinput.pandora.conf, which looks suspicious at the end...
  10. timothee

    pls help to identify cpc6128 games

    I'm obviously biased, but I do like it. I must say the dpad control is not ideal on the pandora for this game btw, I wish the dpad and the ABXY buttons could both be configured to act as the direction arrows in caprice32, now THAT would make it rock :) Indeed! and I realized I was being...
  11. timothee

    pls help to identify cpc6128 games

    Cool! I hope you have good fun :) Yup, unfortunately, that pengo-type game is not it either :( , but then again "4 spiele 1 diskette", means there are 4 games on that disk, there should be 4 screenshots to be exhaustive, maybe I should check the rest. gusanin is a snake game, but I'm not...
  12. timothee

    pls help to identify cpc6128 games

    Thanks prometheus! The game is unfortunately not "Penggy", nor is it "Penguins". I've checked these 2, but the way I remember that pengo clone, was that the stage was much bigger, meaning the sprites (penguins, bears, ice and diamonds) were smaller. BTW, one problem I had with the cpc archive...
  13. timothee

    pls help to identify cpc6128 games

    Found the snake game!! It's called Meynaupede, and can be played online here: http://www.comeplay....upede-game.html The game ... errr ... doesn't quite match my description above :P ... I swear in my memory the body units were '@'! :lol: Anyway just to correct my initial description...
  14. timothee

    pls help to identify cpc6128 games

    Thanks I just did the same. Some of the disk images are not on that wiki at all, which means some could be lost forever :( . That wiki site is awesome btw! Boy, do I remember the bad experience I had with tomahawk with this horrible piracy control device:
  15. timothee

    pls help to identify cpc6128 games

    yes! Yes!!! YES!!!!!! That *IS* the one! :) Many thanks! Now, I'll check the other issues of AA and ACU for my other games, thanks again! PS: back then, my dad purchased our amstrad 6128 second hand, and the seller already had a whole bunch of floppies and games. I had no idea where these...
  16. timothee

    pls help to identify cpc6128 games

    Hi there, I managed to identify most of the games I used to play in my cpc6128 days by browsing various cpc archive and screenshot sites, but there are a few I cannot find again :( . These were clearly not the best of the platform, but I did spend significant amount of time on them. If...
  17. timothee

    where's 7zip?

    Perfect! 7za extracted to /usr/local/bin, I'm a happy camper :) Many thanks!
  18. timothee

    where's 7zip?

    Hi there, Where could I find and install the 7zip command line utility for pandora ( ) ? It does not look like it's in the angstrom repo: http://www.angstrom-.../?pkgsearch=zip :/ Thanks, Tim
  19. timothee

    retro-games for the little ones?

    Indeed they are. LOL! Is that your recommendation because they are half-asian? Or is that your recommendation for 4-year-olds in general? :D
  20. timothee

    retro-games for the little ones?

    Thanks for all the suggestions, much appreciated! I'll install these and let the kids have a go. My kids love Chip and Dale, hopefully they'll enjoy the game on nes. That being said, after seeing them play a couple of times, I think most platformers will be too advanced for them, especially...