Search results

  1. W

    Strange Request

    sounds good. :D
  2. W

    Strange Request

    well i've got a non-FLU box that i'll sell (i also have the directions if those got damaged too) just give me a price. and BTW I live in california so try to calculate a price thats not practically the same as shipping costs.
  3. W


    am i allowed to ask people to e-mail me some rom site links?
  4. W

    Gpenine - 1941

    doesnt NES have 1941?
  5. W

    This thread will decrease your iq

    LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. W

    what can u OC to?

    just tried GPEngine and i got 156 but after about 30 seconds of 166 it froze so i guess 156mhz is my best so far
  7. W

    what can u OC to?

    I was just wondering what you guys can overclock to. I havent gotten a chance to OC yet as i am still looking for pc engine roms but i will post when i get some.
  8. W

    New emus

    well the 31st is tomorrow here in the states :D
  9. W

    8bit games

    well i wasnt around during this era (im only 13) and i would like to know more about the pcengine atari etc. also. but i do know quite a bit about the nes and i'll recomend these titles: River City Ransom teenage mutant ninja turtles 3 dig dug excite bike kid icarus prince of persia splatter...
  10. W

    A football question

    are you referring to american football or soccer (thats what we call it here in the states)
  11. W

    Expand the community

    this subject has also crossed my mind and I think its a great idea. we could increase the amount of members on this site and people who were planning on leaving the gp32 for the zodiac could still stay on this board were they have already built up respect etc. There could also be some (healthy)...
  12. W


    whats a hex game?
  13. W

    Favourite 5 homebrew games

    1) giro (has the best graphics on gp3!) 2) squad 14 3)resindent evil 4)the mortal kombat port (forgot what its called) 5) elf logic
  14. W

    stop worrying about GP32's future

    well esentially the gp32 can never die because gamepark has done damn near nothing to advertise the gp32. It has all been us that are keeping it alive. if the gp32 has not been released in europe, yet still it is doing as good as it ever was then how does this mean the gp32 will die?the release...
  15. W

    a decent RPG

    there is good rpg's on NES. and snes is pretty darn playable if you ask me. and there's good RPGs for PC.
  16. W

    Question About Little John 0.4

    well i dont know how to solve your problem but i've been playing kid icarus, ff2, tmnt4, splatterhouse zelda 2 and many othjers and all have run perfect with sound and all. mabe there's a problem with your roms. By the way i forgot to add that i havent changed any of the settings that LJ...
  17. W

    So, what did you buy this weekend?

    i guess this means u got a little bored w/ ur gp32 and decided to go more non-portable.
  18. W

    GP32 World Goes Interactive

    your site looks great! the only thing i ask is that you make a list of what roms are in each set of roms or set of images ect.
  19. W

    what im doing

    sounds like a great idea. I just hope you will break you're failure streak! (no offense)
  20. W

    need help w/ Gloop

    i just downloaded Gloop and put gloop.fxe on the SMC but i guess i need to put all the other stuff in (i.e. images, fonts, levels, sprites, backdrops,music) I was wondering if someone could help me with where to put each kind of file or how to put all of these together in a folder or whatever it...