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  1. T

    New Firmware & Updating Program Out !

    OK... I've been on other boards where you could delete your own topics... Sorry :/
  2. T

    New Firmware & Updating Program Out !

    Erf, sorry, didn't see them... Too bad i can't find the "delete topic" button :(
  3. T

    Dynamism Gp2x Before X-mas

    As usual. insults. I'm just asking for users to be actually realistic, and that such posts are not made from "regular" users wanting to share classic info. No. This kind of posts are sometimes, if not usually, made by companies using public boards for advertisements. Imagine one instant you let...
  4. T

    New Firmware & Updating Program Out !

    I've just seen that a new firmware is out on :,0,0,0,42,1051 Fixed: * SD-Cards up to 2 Gig * Some LCD tweaks * MoviePlayer fixed * Included is a MoviePlayer for TV Out * Faster SD-Card r/w And there's a brand new update program that...
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    Dynamism Gp2x Before X-mas

    you are actually earning 10 bucks, the company which is doing the adverttisement gets known, and the website you're using gets none... think that's normal ?
  6. T

    Dynamism Gp2x Before X-mas

    Especially when they actually use public boards for advertisement, as others company do, trying to make more profit, and not supporting those by buying advertisement. Some do... some don't... i'll let you guess who's who. This thread definitly has a smell of a stealthed ad.
  7. T

    Edge Magazine (uk) Jan 2006 - Full Page About Gp2x

    Here's a little vid of my LCD showing the flickering BEFORE i actually updated the firmware... still present now. As everybody suggests it, i'll make movies showing what's happening to my LCD screen in detail tonight, when i'm off work :)
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    Edge Magazine (uk) Jan 2006 - Full Page About Gp2x

    Are you going to tell me the horizontal dark lines we clearly see between pixels, refered as the scanlines, are a software problem ? Or are definitly not worth of notice ? What do you rpefer, a LCD screen without scanlines, or one with, huuuum ? You add to this choice the flickering, size...
  9. T

    Edge Magazine (uk) Jan 2006 - Full Page About Gp2x

    OH RLY ! Then why not from the start, why the scanlines, why the flickering, why the diagonal lines, why do i have to mess up with settings to try to approach manually a value than can be obtained through CALCULUS ? Mmmh ? As for the idiot part... i guess it pretty much demonstrate how clever...
  10. T

    Edge Magazine (uk) Jan 2006 - Full Page About Gp2x

    Are you kidding ? The LCD screen is just crap ! Scanlines ( First time i've ever seen ANY scanlines ! ), Flickering ( and it is NOT really solved by LCD timing... i've yet to find a timing that makes the LCD crystal clear as on the PSP) and diagonal lines ! This LCD is definitly the WORST i've...
  11. T

    What Are Your Lcd Settings To Avoid Flickering ?

    up... bacause i wonder if we will ever get something crystal clear, without flickering and scanlines... just as every other handheld in history...
  12. T

    Usb Otg

    omfg nik, that's more than interesting...
  13. T

    What Are Your Lcd Settings To Avoid Flickering ?

    I was wondering : why do we even have to worry about that setting anyway ? A LCD isn't an analogic thing... so the timer/whatever can be obtained through calculus... on whatever basis. Take a PSP for instance... the LCD is just plain, flicker/scanline free... and the sync value is the same for...
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    What Are Your Lcd Settings To Avoid Flickering ?

    i do, nick... Anybody else with their settings ?
  15. T

    What Are Your Lcd Settings To Avoid Flickering ?

    I am still playing around with the CPU/LCD Tweaker, and i was wondering what were you prefered settings with the CPU/LCD Settings. Please post : -CPU speed -LCD Mode ( UPLL, FPLL) -LCD offset. The best i've found so far ( flicker-free, but still with some scanlines) is : -CPU : 200Mhz -LCD...
  16. T

    Drmd Loosing Its Savestates...

    Reesy, the new DrMD version is solving the problem... working great great great ! Love you :)
  17. T

    Drmd Loosing Its Savestates...

    Because i'd rather loose a sonic3 savestate than a Story of thor :D that's the reason why :) I'm happy this is fixed :)
  18. T

    My Fix For The Joystick Screen Pressure Problem.

    Well, the repeated rpessure on the LCD screen isn't that great for it anyway.... it'll prolly hurt its durability...
  19. T

    My Fix For The Joystick Screen Pressure Problem.

    Works like a charm... thanks alot.
  20. T

    Just Wondering

    23. Started with a MO6 from thomson, playing "Aigle d'or", sorcery, saphir, runaway2... sigh. yes, i'm french :D