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  1. M

    GP2X Create Fw 2.0 Kernel / Modules

    How do you know (find out) which version of gcc the kernel was built with? I've been banging my head against the wall trying to get my usb driver working. The module loads but the returned struct used in the modprobe callback is wrong even though both the sdk and the fw source has the same...
  2. M

    Using Gp2x With Lcd Monitor

    Or you could get this working. :)
  3. M

    Usb Driver Struct Problems......

    I've managed to stop the driver from crashing the usb hub so now I can at least get some output. The sdk i'm using and the kernel source both have the same usb_device_descriptor struct but the one passed to my func is wrong. The product and vendor ID is off by 8 bytes! I'm kind of banging my...
  4. M

    Office Sdk And Dotnet 2005

    I've got it compiling but the archiver is failing. Returns an error.... It gets executed with the commandline arm-gp2x-linux-ar.exe rcs "c:\GP2X\projects\K9\lib\debug\libK9d.a" c:\GP2X\projects\K9\build\Debug\*.o The error message is arm-gp2x-linux-ar: c:\GP2X\projects\K9\build\Debug\*.o: No...
  5. M

    Debug Help

    Yes, "assert" is your friend.
  6. M

    GP2X Linux Driver Dev Book

    That looks like it maybe worth while even if I was not looking for driver info. Thanks, maybe i'll be buying more than one book. ;)
  7. M

    Gp2x Article On

    Good review, makes for a very good advert. :)
  8. M

    GP2X Linux Driver Dev Book

    I'm going to use the proceeds from my demo comp win to get some books. I'm currently, with little luck, trying to get a usb->network adapter driver running on my gp2x, currently crashes the usb hotplug code. So i'm hoping there is a book out there that talks about Linux driver dev aimed at an...
  9. M

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    I know we are getting a bit hung up on the demos effect the systems after they exit but i'll just like to know if anyone has had any probs with mine? Just asking as I did not do anything special to make sure it all exit clean, just used the code Dzz had posted in he's tut. I'm asking as I would...
  10. M

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    Just worked for me now, odd. I did try a fresh boot last time. Nice demo, cool. :)
  11. M

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    I'll release mine, but I need to make sure the apps I created to make some of the data are ok. IE A font tool and a image palatiser/compressor. Both are prototypes of apps I was writing for my 3d engine.
  12. M

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    Thats odd, i'm guessing your on FW2.0, I am.
  13. M

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    Yer, after I did mine I though, mmmm, that voxel would be way cool done in 1k which I think is doable. But I made the mistake of getting a new bike and so being distracted. ;) Mine will win the "Coder got bored the quickest" category. :D EDIT: Just watched them, very cool! Fav is Debris and...
  14. M

    Programming Software - Source Code Available!

    Cool, I learnt a lot with AMOS. It gave me a chance to learn game coding without having to learn the hardware. I did a few licenceware games, one sold very well. Words & Ladders and Billy Ball. :) God that was a long time ago, 1993. Still got the mag that they were reviewed in, in the loft ...
  15. M

    Now Hear This

    Post a pic of your self and I may think about it. :D
  16. M

    Vektar Boxed

    Yer, i'm with you on that. All my mp3's are from my CDs and not from the music sites on the web. Paying 20 notes for something you can't touch is a bit odd..... maybe i'm just getting old. ;)
  17. M

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    Yer the voxel looks cool but is in c so could go quicker, it has a high oscillation in frame rate, seems to be just the nature of the way it works, which is a shame.
  18. M

    Poker2x V1.0 Released

    Cool, going to try that out. The poker game in Mario is cool, the sega casnio is pants. (should not say that as I used to work for them) Hoping its cool, downloading now! I play poker every friday with friends. :) And loose a lot. :( But still cheaper than going down the pub! edit: Cool...
  19. M

    Gp2x Demo Competition: 750$ prize money

    You may want to pop a link to the demo site on your normal site, took me a while to find the link in this thread. P.s. Who's done a demo? I've sent mine in, don't expect amazing things from it, only started it last week then got board. ;) Its got a voxel terrain so thought I would sent it in...
  20. M

    GP2X Hunting 'devrequest' Struct

    re usb -> network adator using realtek 8150 chipset. I got it all running but its crashing the usb hotplug driver. This is because I could not find the defination for the struct 'devrequest' The driver source is written for kernel version 2.4.0 so I'm guessing it may have been removed? Total...