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  1. M


    I know, shinerri. It was just fun cynicism. Besides, when you get right down to it, if they can deliver something fast, they should theoretically be able to do so whether I give them an extra twenty bucks or not. Sorry to hear there's some issues with the BLU+ version. I wish you had one to try...
  2. M


    I know, right!!??? :D What always bothers me is the idea that the post office CAN send you something as soon as one day. They just won't unless you give them extra money. What does that money do? Buy them supplies that make the delivery trucks faster, or make their legs move faster? No, it's...
  3. M


    Oh yeah, it was a mess. Laced with expletives, I vented a stream of frustration as, twenty minutes after opening my long-awaited used GP32, it didn't even turn on and I was desperate to hear that it was my fault somehow. Turns out it wasn't, but thankfully most of the money was evened back out...
  4. M


    Actually yeah, it should be here anyday. I don't recall how much of my specific situation you've followed, but it goes like this: I bought the used GP32 from a guy in the UK off of ebay, on about 9-20. It took a long time to get to me, and that's what was going on for all the time that I was on...
  5. M


    To those who have this new version working on a BLU+, can you please describe the performance to me? I've been dying to test this out, and should be getting my BLU+ anytime now also. Can someone describe to me what this new version of the emu is like, as far as what the sound is like, how fast...
  6. M


    Though it obviously isn't just for me or just because of me, thanks guys for backing me up and getting things really rolling with the BLU+ compatability!
  7. M


    Hearing that FF6 works well (albeit slow) is great, as that's one of the top games I was hoping to play on my GP32! Awesome. As I don't have my machine yet and can't compare versions, all I can say is that I was really looking forward to GP32 Snes, so cheers Reesy, keep it up man!!!! Still...
  8. M


    Not to be pushy, but just for my own information- how long does something like this usually take before it will work fine on the BLU+?
  9. M

    Question About Formatting Smc's And Windows Xp

    Man, I'm in so over my head..... What sounds like perfect english to you guys sounds to me like jargon spoken from white lab-coat wearing scientists. After all this, I'm afraid to even touch my SMC's!!!
  10. M

    Question About Formatting Smc's And Windows Xp

    Thanks, that helps clear it up. Sorry, I'm still waiting for my system to arrive and I need to be prepared in case I have to run out and get new SMCs. The package comes with 5 games, with a couple apparently just duplicates that I intended to rewrite. I wanna be able to use this on day 1, and...
  11. M


    Being that I bought this system with the Snes tops on my list, may I be one of the pack to applaud you and encourage you to PLEASE continue this Reesy! My BLU+ will be dying for the best Snes emu.......
  12. M

    Snes Emulators On Gp32

    Oh, sorry. The "Engine" of the title made me think it WAS the PC Engine he was talking about, but the way it popped up I thought it was being referred to in regards to the Super Nes. Oh well.
  13. M

    Question About Formatting Smc's And Windows Xp

    I know everyone's trying to help, but now I'm COMPLETELY confused. I need to start at the basics, lemme ask it this way: 1. Do new SMC's have to be formatted before I can put stuff on them and use them in my GP32? 2. If the answer's yes, and since I DO have WXP, what's the simple way to do...
  14. M

    Question About Formatting Smc's And Windows Xp

    Well, the package I bought was from the currently-running gbax auction. From what I can tell it will indeed come with the software disk and stuff. If not, I still have what I believe to be the exact same thing already, from my busted used system that I bought before. I can always copy that and...
  15. M

    Best Videogame Soundtracks

    Damn, there's too many. Final Fantasy 4, 6, and 7. Metal gear Solid. Castlevania anything but part 2 and 3 especially. Pretty much anything Zelda. Mega Man 2 and 3. It goes on and on!
  16. M

    Question About Formatting Smc's And Windows Xp

    Hey, I just read on the GP Newbie page that SMCs formatted in Windows XP don't work in the GP32. I have Windows XP, so I'm a little concerned. I recently bought a new BLU+ from gbax and it's supposed to come with 5 game cards, with possibly 2 of them being duplicates (that I assume I can erase...
  17. M

    Snes Emulators On Gp32

    So GP Engine plays the Snes games fine but doesn't have save states? I wouldn't mind using it for stuff like Contra or Castlevania, games that don't save. How's the sound and graphic performance of this emu?
  18. M

    Best 'movie' Conversion/homage Games

    Speaking of arcades, the Genesis versions of Altered Beast and Legendary Axe were pretty good, especially for such early games.
  19. M

    Best 'movie' Conversion/homage Games

    Gremlins 2 and Goonies 2 for the Nes were actually decent games, but the former was tough as hell and the latter was just silly. Good music in both though. The Robocop game for Nes was pretty fun, but the Terminator games (except for T2 arcade) sucked. Can't say anything about Robocop v...
  20. M

    Best 'movie' Conversion/homage Games

    They've already been mentioned, but I actually quite liked Alien 3 for the SNes (NOT Genesis) and always dug Batman Returns for the Snes as well (kickass sound). And as stated, the Snes "Super" STar Wars games were all great too. True Lies was pretty good for all the systems. Return of the...