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  1. M

    Drmd Version 4.0

    Okay cool. I don't care what other newbies think, but I don't want to piss off the people who've been here for a long time or people who were here before I was (such as yourself). I never meant any disrespect and next time I'll just be more cautious about my phrasing. Sorry for bringing up...
  2. M

    Drmd Version 4.0

    Thanks classic. Like I said, if someone's gonna just be fast and rude with me like that, I'm gonna argue. It's my nature. Your post popped up before my last one, so I'll just quickly say again- if some of you are gonna jump and attack me because of semantics, then too bad, I too like the first...
  3. M

    Drmd Version 4.0

    Hmm, being attacked because my short post was misconstrued as so powerfully rude, I was told to STFU. I explain myself several times and still people complain, so then I make one final attempt at apologizing six different ways, make it LONG so people get the WHOLE damn story, and still someone...
  4. M

    Drmd Version 4.0

    Thanks for some of you backing me up that some of us would still prefer an update to opensnes. But as I've said SEVERAL times before, I appreciate any work on any emu, since it makes things better for all of us. However I'm tired of the attitude that I should just be happy with what I get. When...
  5. M

    Drmd Version 4.0

    I'll admit I respond a lot better to objective posts like the one you just made, Iorgy. I can respect that. When people tell me to shut the fuck up on the basis that they simply don't like the words I chose to use, and don't even make an effort to spell out the damn words, it strikes me as so...
  6. M

    Drmd Version 4.0

    Learn coding and shut the fuck up? Thanks for doing the same, I don't know how you find time to post with all those coding projects you yourself have been working on. Come to think about it, you wouldn't be on this topic because you want optimum emulation too, would you? You must've just come to...
  7. M

    Drmd Version 4.0

    Yes opensnes, someone please opensnes!
  8. M

    Text + Image Viewer?

    Oh man, never mind. I appreciate the help but this is all greek to me! I think I'll just have to stick with plain text because I don't know what this stuff menas.
  9. M

    Drmd Version 4.0

    If only Opensnes was this updateable...
  10. M

    Blu+ - Why So Much Dearer?

    It's true. I first bought the system because I found out about the Pocket Famicom, a cool little gadget. This led to me discovering the GP32, which blows the PF away. But at first I couldn't find it anywhere in stock, so I bought a used one off ebay for a high price. In my excitement of waiting...
  11. M

    Text + Image Viewer?

    Strange, I've never saved something as an HTML document before so it seems weird. I'll try this, though. I do know that when I saved a test page as HTML it saved (and included the pictures where they were originally) but then automatically saved a redundant-looking folder of files for the HTML...
  12. M

    Blu+ - Why So Much Dearer?

    Don't sweat it Idigital. Everyone here can attest to the fact that I was so worried about my GP32 not working, I asked all kinds of questions. It took three weeks to get one that didn't even work, then I had drive problems when I got the good one. While waiting for my system, I kept going back...
  13. M

    Help Me With A Moral Dilemma

    Just go for it. Fuck 'em, you'll probably never see them again anyway. Who cares what other people think? They don't know you and you don't know them, so their opinion shouldn't hold any weight. If they ask, tell them it's a miniature computer emu or something cool and techy like that. Besides...
  14. M

    Blu+ - Why So Much Dearer?

    Yeah I figured as much. Someone said they aren't that great but I figured maybe it was me. C64 loads my games and then freezes, so I don't know..
  15. M

    Neogeo Already Ported To Gp2x

  16. M

    Text + Image Viewer?

    Hmm, I don't know what I'm doing wrong- I saved my docs as HTMLs and threw them on my card, but the !reader only displays the text and doesn't show any of the photos. Can someone familiar with this help me figure it out?
  17. M

    Blu+ - Why So Much Dearer?

    I don't know, I've had some trouble getting Frodo or the Atari emus to work on my BLU+. I'm pretty sure this is my own inexperience, but someone alluded to the idea that those ones don't work very well on the BLU+, so it's possible. I've also heard that on the BLU+, many of the components (not...
  18. M

    Text + Image Viewer?

    Wow, fantastic! Thanks guys, I had never heard of some of this. I appreciate it!
  19. M

    Wolf3d Problems!

    Thanks Hooka, glad I was inadvertantly able to help out with this!
  20. M

    Text + Image Viewer?

    Thanks Hooka. Can anyone else just give me a yea or nay if they've seen anything that can read text + pictures?