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  1. P

    Guilty Gear Info

    Well, the conversion was about the PlayStation version of Guilty Gear. Like it's written here : (Post /39) "For GG, I don't want to give hopes, it's stopped and we won't continue this game until Game Park doesn't send us what they promised before"...
  2. P

    New Pics Of Wanna Be Wizzard

    Here is the interview of M. Ahn Jang-cheon from A&B Soft (for the english version scroll down) :) Pocket Magazine Forum
  3. P

    New Pics Of Wanna Be Wizzard

    Answers in a A&B Soft interview I'm just posting... I'll link it here later :)
  4. P

    Interview With Windship (princess Brave)

    Hi Guys, Here is a new interview of Windship about his game, Princess Brave. The status of the game, the situation of GP32 in corea, etc. Pocket Magazine Forum (Scroll down for the english version, sorry for the bad translation ;) )
  5. P

    New Pics Of Wanna Be Wizzard

    The developer send me this morning new pics of Wanna be Wizzard, I think it's looking better and better, enjoy ! :) Pocket Magazine forum
  6. P

    Look At This^

    Yep, the website is online again and we hope to make it better than ever. Thanks again to Falken80 for the initiative ! :)
  7. P


    I said read post /7, it's in english ;) Pocket : What would you need to start to work on GP32 ? James Daniels : Really we'd need an advance from a publisher - we funded the GBA version ourselves but the success of a GP32 version is much harder to predict.
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    Hi guys, Here are the latest news about the GP32 version of Payback : (post /7)
  9. P

    ASR in english?

    Well, only 620 people have signed the petition, it's not enough I think...
  10. P

    Blood Cross

    I found the demo quite good :) It's a refreshing style for fighting games !
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    Cutey Fatty

    Are you sure you want a list ? ;)
  12. P

    Cutey Fatty

    It was planned for GP32 and Arcades. Cancelled for GP32 like many other titles I suppose...
  13. P

    Interesting news....

    Never dealt with him. And I'm not critising him but Game Park, who lied him about these numbers :)
  14. P

    Interesting news....

    Sorry to tell that, but the "there are just a few GP32's left, come and buy them asap !!" is just an oldddd commercial trick. And there are more GP32s left than these 800 coming.
  15. P

    best commercial game?

    Hum choose Her Knights or Tomak =)
  16. P

    Interesting news....

    LOL :lol: What I said before, hummmm... ?
  17. P

    Euro launch official

    Yep Virgin is *really* big in Uk, but in Spain...
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    Euro launch official

    Hum Game Park a never been professional enough to make official statements... i'm looking forward to Virgin's side :)
  19. P

    Euro launch official

    A part of these 35.000 consoles are already produced, so...
  20. P

    Euro launch official

    Here are the numbers I was talking a few days ago ^^ Everything is signed, just hope that GP won't close it's doors until everything is done :( Virgin has only a few shops in Spain, Italy etc... Nothing you could compare with Uk for ex.