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  1. M

    My first day with my GP32 FLU

    "And I have always the FLU on, how could anybody play without FLU It's dark as hell" There's been discussion that the screen on the FLU-units is darker by nature than the one of the non-FLUs. I can play my non-FLU GP32 just fine if there's any normal lighting in the room. And yes, gpdoom.fxe...
  2. M


    Frodo does... If I remember right, the right shoulder button displays the FPS on the bottom of the screen. Commando goes 50 FPS :)
  3. M

    timed out error!!help

    I'm having a million problems with Windows 2000 communicating with GP32 too. Sucks.
  4. M

    My New Project

    Another project with a similar idea is
  5. M

    So, what country are you from?

    Finland here too. Finland must have one of the best GP32s/amount of people living in the country ratios :)
  6. M


    Actually I didn't miss mouse that much. The pointer moves fast and accurate enough with the GP32 controller. At least good enough so the games can be enjoyed.
  7. M


    All of 'em :) The Secret of Monkey Island Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Zak McKracken Tsomi 2 - Le Chuck's Revenge The other Indiana Jones Sam & Max etc... I'm currently playing the first two through again, been a while since the Amiga days :)
  8. M

    GP32 Quick Picks Updated.

    Now with _actual_ screenshots. Check it out to see what I mean. Manu
  9. M

    GP32 and it's contenders recap

    Indeed :) But at least Tiger allowed you to access internet (internet kit let you hook up an external modem and connect to a UNIX account or a BBS), I haven't seen that on GP32 yet :) Suprisingly many new handhelds are going the way of GP32 and thus offering free SDK's.
  10. M

    GP32 and it's contenders recap

    I am the author of the "Handhelds that use cartridges FAQ" that can be found from online. However, lately I haven't been updating it too much. Now I decided to do something about, and wanted to share the information with you guys too. Have you ever heard of the FreeOn? The B'Ngo? Comments and...
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    Game Park the company

    At least they can afford to have a office building with a cool sign on the wall : Or.. at least they have something in something that has a sign.
  12. M

    keditor windups hint

    Also, I don't know if this is just with the multiFW, but I've been making/getting icons for Windups for each program I use and putting them on the desktop. After like 12 different ones, it doesn't let me add another one anymore, it just randomly picks one of the icons that's already on the...
  13. M

    List Rlyeh projects?

    Indeed. The NGPC control is hands down the best handheld control! Puzzle Bobble with that thing is schwweeeeeet.
  14. M

    New website up for review

    Nice, always wanted to know what that 'worst game ever' was about, but never had the urge to download it :) On another note, a while back I put up a site too, dunno how many noticed the URL in another thread - check out Thanks. Manu
  15. M

    Good quality games for gp32

    Another 'scene' where I'm involved in is the Vectrex -homebrewers. Many games come out for the Vectrex console (from 1982) every year, and only a portion of them make profit, most are sold for the price of the manufacturing (cartridge etc. costs). So, no. If people are enthusiastic enough...
  16. M

    thanks im getting there

    I have the same problem with the PC PCLink program. Sometimes trying out different combinations works, sometimes not. What mostly works is : Turn on GP32 Plug in GP32 Start PCLink on GP32 Start PCLink on PC But for some reason this too only works maybe 5 times out of 50. I'm really getting...
  17. M

    Reset function standardization?

    I've only had GP32 for two weeks now, and I wanted to do something for the thriving community. Since I can't code this sweet thing, I whipped up a web site with small reviews of some GP32 stuff I like. When trying out different programs, I couldn't help but notice that almost all the programs...