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  1. M

    Palm Emulator

    Wow, that looks sweet. I like the site design too. Keep us posted on the progress!
  2. M

    Who's Ordered A Ds From Gbax?

    Ordered mine via a friend who works in a gamestore in the US.
  3. M


    Thanks to Chui (right?) for porting it.
  4. M


    Little choppy at parts, but this ROCKS. GP32 needs more shooters :) Screenshot I took :
  5. M

    New Scene Demo For Gp32 Released At Assembly!
  6. M

    New Scene Demo For Gp32 Released At Assembly!

    Read more and download from :
  7. M

    A Quiz For All You Retro Heads Out There...

    34/36 But it's a bit unfair since I have 80% of those :) I knew one more, but I just can't figure out how it wants me to write Acorn BBC A there... Clearly a British quiz, so many Speccys :) And oh yeah - Odyssey emu
  8. M

    Chrysler, Winner Of Motorola Inside 2004, For Gp32

    Two corrections : It's a NEW Amiga demo (from 2004) And yes, it IS ported.
  9. M

    Chrysler, Winner Of Motorola Inside 2004, For Gp32

    No. It's not a video. All the effects are happening in real time.
  10. M

    Chrysler, Winner Of Motorola Inside 2004, For Gp32

    Details and download here :
  11. M


    I don't have it on my SMC right now, so can't check, but there's four game modes in it afaik (right?), one is like the 'Same game', one is like Bejeweled and one is like Columns. My memory might be failing though. Yep, check the review of Puzzle Mix on this site.
  12. M


    Isn't there a Bejeweled for GP32 .. in the PuzzleMix thing? I guess I can say that much - the next game isn't Bejeweled. No point in guessing, use your energy to play Electronia and get those high scores up :) (Akuma promised a new version with a high score table soon and I made the gfx for...
  13. M


    Umm.. it's uhh.. a black light? :)
  14. M


    That game is PipeMania.
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    There is a background music loop, that can be turned off and a bunch of other sound effects and speech samples.
  16. M


    Finally released! Phew :) This one was in the works for a long time (at least when compared to the previous two). I hope everybody has as much fun playing it as we (though I can only speak for myself) had creating and testing it! Please post your high-scores :) Manu
  17. M

    So... What Emulators Are Actually Working?

    Can someone update the Vectrex emulator / make a new one, pleez? :)
  18. M


    Heh, there's even a 'Mini How-To' on how to port the Unix/SDL version to different platforms Manu
  19. M

    It Lives!

    I'll just add my 'Excellent!' here. I only own the first version of Lynx (aka 'the skateboard' 'the baseball bat' etc.) .. Nice to be able to play Lynx games with a machine that fits in my pocket :) Manu
  20. M

    GP32 Attack Wave Maker ?!

    Wheee! Just what I wanted for my GP32.. a nice shoot'em'up! Frantic stuff? Million sprites on the screen? :)