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  1. M

    Website For My Projects!

    Hmm... I wish I could give a hint, but I'll let Akuma do that if he wishes to.. I guess I could say that the 2 new projects required much more graphics than the two first ones :) Manu
  2. M

    Website For My Projects!

    Thanks for the website design compliments :) As for the two mystery projects... I know, but won't tell :rolleyes:
  3. M

    Atari Lynx Emu Handy Went Open Source

    At least according to .. dunno if this was old news..
  4. M

    Name Of The Game

    :) There's a game called 'Nagano Winter Olympics '98'
  5. M

    Gp32 Flu Dimmer Chips

    Something like this? ;) Manu
  6. M

    New European Blu Release

    199 EUR isn't that bad compared to current GP32 prices, since it's a Back-lit Unit...
  7. M

    Fgen Wip Sonic 2 Video!!!

    Oooh yeah that emu looks sweet. If they get any of the Sonic games running with frameskip 0 and full sound, I bow my head in appreciation of their mad coding skillz. And on the N64 - I own about 100 different gaming platforms, and I'm missing an N64. I did have one, but sold it to get a...
  8. M

    GP32 Wat Shud I Learn

    that's = that is not 'thats' :P
  9. M

    N-gage 2

    Just got confirmation (I live in Finland and know people who know people) that this is actually the real deal, and what N-Gage "2" will look like (although no camera even if it says so there in the menu) Not that anyone's interested, but at...
  10. M

    Updated! Perfectfit, New Version!

    I have a non-FLU but I usually play my GP32 close to my computer and there's a bright light above it, so it shows everything on the GP32 screen very clearly, and yes, I can make out the background :)
  11. M

    Updated! Perfectfit, New Version!

    Thanks for all the compliments about the graphics! Makes it worth the effort to shuffle pixels around at 2 am :) Manu
  12. M

    What Type Of Driving Game Do You Prefer?

    Hooray! Excellent! This is something I've been wanting for my GP32 since I got it...
  13. M

    What Type Of Driving Game Do You Prefer?

    That's a tough one, I love both kinds of racing.. If I'd have to decide (and I guess that's what this thread is for) .. I'd say I'd be pretty happy with Gran Tourismo or Project Gotham Racing on my GP32.. that is, track racing (at least for the most part) :)
  14. M

    GP32 Available Artists

    Lemme know what you need (PM or email) and I'll see what I can do. Gotta get this one book layout finished first though. manu (for email, just add @ between the two previous lines of text)
  15. M

    Atari 2600 And M.a.m.e.

    And XCade is the closest thing to MAME on GP32 right now.
  16. M


    For some reason, I was very negative towards PSP. Well, still I believe it won't have half the stuff Sony hypes it to have, but... what got me thinking.. Gran Tourismo in my pocket.. Metal Gear Solid in my pocket.. Soul Calibur in my pocket.. Frequency, Ico, and many more possibilities.. (No...
  17. M


    Mmmm.. my favorite subject :) Crappy/dead on arrival/future handhelds.. Here's what I own so far : Yes, plenty of Game.coms, but believe it or not, even it isn't the crappiest handheld system out there (not counting the millions...
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    Lack of source code? If the company has themselves made the game and are still working on the GBA version, how could they not have the source code? :)
  19. M

    Could You Please

    Not to mention that Vice city is _not_ on a CD, it's on a DVD.
  20. M

    GP32 Available Artists

    O(ff)T(opic): GP32Rally? Oooh! Just what I've always wanted! Bird's eye view or? O(n)T(opic): I do graphics for a living (among other things) and been doing pixel stuff since Amiga days late 80s. Currently I've been way overbooked though, but if some project catches my interest it doesn't hurt...