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  1. D

    Guide: Screenshots

    Hi all, even in times of changing mountpoints we can set an SD card as the target for the screenshots with something like (untested!): MOUNTPOINT = `mount | grep /dev/mmcblk0p1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3` (this gives the mountpoint path of the first SD card's first partition) And we can also let...
  2. D

    Debian In An Extend

    thanks Stuckie, now it's downloading packages :-) it downloads and installs into the extend, not into the rootfs, right? Daniel
  3. D

    Debian In An Extend

    thanks so far. Now trying to install packages via synaptic. But I always get "could not resolve "". Have they changed something for the repositories? Thanks! Daniel
  4. D

    Debian In An Extend

    ok *blush* I had used the "Extend Root" menu entry before. Now, using the correct menu entry, I get a terminal where ls and mount work without an error message ;-) But how to proceed? I don't know Debian. E.g. how to start (or apt-get if it isn't there) OpenOffice for example? If I try to...
  5. D

    Debian In An Extend

    Hi stuckie, as you just suggestd on the IRC, I am now posting here. I have a problem. Downloaded the 2GB Debian extend and use the ExtendUtils.pnd's System / Extend Root to load that extend. However, all I get is a terminal with curdir /var/volatile/tmp/rootExtend. That's it. if I try to do an...
  6. D

    Kismet source?

    Hallo allerseits, weiß jemand, wie die "source"-Zeile in der kismet.conf lauten muß, damit kismet mit dem WLAN-Chip der Pandora läuft (der sourcetype ist mir unklar)? Danke! Gruß Daniel
  7. D

    Pandora Simple Dev Pnd

    hi Stuckie and others, thanks for this great onboard developer toolchain package! I am kind of a beginner (not with onboard development. Have done this on the Zaurus / pdaXrom and weeXpc for years. But on the Pandora and working the first time with those FS extend files...) Question: whenever...
  8. D

    Verschlüsselte Partitionen auf der Pandora

    Hallo allerseits, alter aber recht interessanter thread. Dazu will ich meine Meinung loswerden: Wer die Pandora ausschließlich zum Spielen benutzt, der wird vermutlich keine Verschlüsselung brauchen. Aber sobald ich z.B. einen Email-Client einrichte, der meine Emails lokal ablegt, fühle ich...
  9. D

    Password Protecting Sd Cards In Pandora

    Hi all, has anyone compiled Truecrypt for Pandora yet? Thanks Daniel