Search results

  1. D

    Keyboard Layout Switcher

    Hi all, thanks for the pointers. Will have a look there. kukacster: I am working on the Pandora directly. Don't have another Linux system available currently. If you have, could you pack /usr/share/keymaps for me and send it to my email? This would be a great help. Thanks! Daniel
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    Release Circuslinux.pnd Available

    I think this is single-system multiplayer with alternating players (similar to Giana Sisters). Daniel
  3. D

    Libgio Dev Files

    okay, just tried this. I feel like an idiot. ;-) Don't get it. :unsure: What I do: In the leafpad source directory, I do a ./configure, which doesn't produce any errors, then make. After a while compiling several source files successfully, I get that error message (I'm posting the full gcc...
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    Bluetooth Pan Dhcp

    Hi ED, I assume you mean a connection between Pandora and phone, not phone and Windows laptop? Is bnep0 editable for you in Networkmanager? Thanks Daniel
  5. D

    Libgio Dev Files

    it is installed in /usr/lib, just as a lot of other libs too: /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ Could there be another reason? Thanks, Daniel
  6. D

    Libgio Dev Files

    Thanks, sebt3, but.... I did the linking in /usr/include now, but still get ".../ld: cannot find -lgio-2.0". I renamed /usr/include/gio to /usr/include/gio-2.0 but also to no avail. I also tried with /usr/include/libgio-2.0. No dice. What am I doing wrong? (I try to compile leafpad...
  7. D

    Bluetooth Pan Dhcp

    Hi all, I have successfully established a Bluetooth PAN between the Pandora and a Windows XP notebook. However, in rder to make this work I had to assign an IP manually to bnep0. In network manager, bnep0 is not editable, so I cannot configure it to use DHCP there. Is there another way to make...
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    Libgio Dev Files

    You are right, I have found the files indeed in /usr/include/glib-2.0/gio/. How does that CPPFLAGS thing work? Would another solution be to dimply move all directories in glib-2.0 one directory level higher? There is also glib-2.0/glib/... and when compiling another program I had the same...
  9. D

    Libgio Dev Files

    Hi all, when I try to compile GTK applications, they want to be linked against libgio often. the libgio package is installed, but there is no libgio-dev package available. And for some reason I am not able to find the header files on the Internet. Could anyone please point me to these file(s)...
  10. D

    Keyboard Layout Switcher

    Hi all, I am working on a keyboard layout switcher, which allows easy and simple switching of keyboard layouts using the mouse, touchscreen etc (i.e. with GUI). This is handy if you attach a USB keyboard. The Pandora's keyboard map does not fit any comon standard, so no matter what kind of...
  11. D

    Release Circuslinux.pnd Available

    Yes, it has "Two Player" and "Two Player Coop" options... Daniel
  12. D

    Release Circuslinux.pnd Available

    Hi all, CircusLinux is a "Circus Atari" clone. This game can nicely be played using the nubs. Download here: As usual, please report problems with it here in the thread. The game is supposed to have sound, so if you don't hear any sound while playing, but other programs and games produce...
  13. D

    Release Lgames: Ltris, Lpairs, Lmarbles Available

    I also considered this cycle method. But I'd need to alter the code for that, correct? There is no other way I guess? (hidden feature in the game maybe...?) Daniel
  14. D

    Release Lgames: Ltris, Lpairs, Lmarbles Available

    Please download the latest LTris.pnd from my site. I have updated it with a fix for a "no sound" problem. If this still doesn't help, please check if you have a file .asoundrc in your home directory. Please check, if there is a copy of this file in the appdata/LTris directory AFTER you executed...
  15. D

    Usb Keyboards And Xmodmap

    Hi all, I am working on a solution to quickly configure USB keyboards correctly. The default xmodmaprc file which is loaded at startup (~/.pndXmodmap) reflects the layout of the Pandora's keyboard, which is completely non-standard. So no matter if I connect a German, UK, US or whatever...
  16. D

    Release Lgames: Ltris, Lpairs, Lmarbles Available

    Hi all, any idea how to make LMarbles playable in a better way, without use of the touchscreen or a mouse / the nubs to mark a marble to move? Daniel
  17. D

    Release Lgames: Ltris, Lpairs, Lmarbles Available

    Hi all, I have created PNDs of the following games by "LGames" ( LTris (Tetris clone) LMarbles (Atomix clone) LPairs (memory game) (LBreakout2 is already available in the file archive, BTW, not ported/packaged by me). They are not uploaded yet to the file archive...
  18. D

    Beta Truecrypt Pnd Ready For Testing

    Hi all, I have compiled and packaged TrueCrypt. TrueCrypt is software which allows you to keep a container file containing an entire encrypted file system. Why would you want to use TrueCrypt? If you only use the Pandora as a gaming machine, you probably won't. But consider that the Pandora is...
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    Debian In An Extend

    Wow, thanks Stuckie for sharing all that work! I will also try and test the new ExtendUtils for sure. Probably today. Can I simply update the ExtendUtils.PND and continue to use my Debian extend which I updated yesterday with OpenOffice and icedove in a lengthy process because WiFi stopped...
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    Debian In An Extend

    Hi Stuckie, is it possible to automate the extend mounting and starting of an application inside Debian in a way, e.g. using shell scripts, that I can generate a .desktop file and thus generate a menu entry for XFCE, in order to simplify launching of a program under Debian? (Well, actually I...