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  1. grahamr

    Stop Telling Us You've Canceled Your Order

    I am interested to know if they have cancelled and why, so i really don't have a problem with that. What I *do* have a problem with is them writing a bloody war and peace epic about it. It just needs something like 'I've cancelled my order, mainly just to get cash for an ipad which i want more'...
  2. grahamr

    Huge Screen Issue

    thanks :angry: , you just destroyed my sexy android fantasy.
  3. grahamr

    I'd Like To Win Hugh Skyes

    I think the story of the pandora is great, but I have seen absolutely nothing about it in mainstream UK media about the pandora. So perhaps this is worth a try? It's Radio 4, so presenting the pandora as a sort of plucky, british, 'garden shed' version of the Nintendo DS (ie something they...
  4. grahamr

    Tell Us Non-Amiga Guys What The Best Of Amiga Are :)

    Appart from those mentioned by other people, I really liked the Valhalla series, e.g. 'Valhalla & The lord of Infinity'. puzzles well thought out, and his wee voice is funny.
  5. grahamr

    Your Hometown

    I live < 1 mile from where the Titanic was built (It wasn't our bloody fault! no refund!) , and where C.S. Lewis was born (as in 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe').
  6. grahamr

    Amiga Emulation?

    This sounds like an idea... maybe you should write it and post it?
  7. grahamr

    Anyone Get There Tracking/shipping Email Yet?

    I tried online go. After watching the entre series of 'Hikaru No Go' i thought i'd be great. I got my ass kicked so hard i never went back.
  8. grahamr

    Contacting Op

    If you have to ask this on the forum - I'm wondering if 1st batch is sold out...
  9. grahamr

    Planned Original Games?

    Im working on a 2d game very similar to 'thrust' but with a little bit of intra-level visual novel thrown in. one day i'd like to do a top down 'voice adventure' like the valhalla series.
  10. grahamr

    Pandora 2 Might Have A Vp8 Hardware Decoder

    You guys are idiots. Pandora 5? don't be ridiculous (it will be Pandora V)
  11. grahamr

    The Wifi Problem Will Be Found To Be Caused By:

    Get back in the basement grandpa! ;) i have used modems like this when i was in work for dialing into some older mainframes.
  12. grahamr

    Flash Player Beta For Android - Will It Run On Pandora?

    There is a beta available for arm, not for all arm devices, but the pandora chipset (cortex-A8) is supported, but i think its still in 'closed' beta, (potentially available on request). There has already been a lot of discussion about this, and various other alternatives for flash on pandora...
  13. grahamr

    New Photo From Craigix

    What if you did (6 << 3) | 3 ?
  14. grahamr

    Right Down To Work!

    Maybe it is time for another vehement argument about something no-one in their right mind would care about? Who was the fattest tele-tubby? supported by detailed figures from image analysis pixel counting algorythms?
  15. grahamr

    How Do You Pronounce .pnd?

    actually 99% of english speakers don't think about these things at all. :P
  16. grahamr

    Right Down To Work!

    Not yet :( and expecting the next bit of info to be something like :-
  17. grahamr

    Yo Mods, Checked Ip Bans?

    *FIXED If its not the site it could be his ISP, my ISP has a f'ing inline proxy which can get screwed up e.g. something getting stuck in the cache. Because its inline you cant get around it by using a different proxy (except website-based proxies of course). But the fact The Doctor ;) said he...
  18. grahamr

    Craigix Tweets, Mwestion Soon To Arrive.

    Where the hell is Mike? Did he arrive? is he alive? whats going on? Give us news!! FEED US! FEEEEEEED US!
  19. grahamr

    Hurry Up - Psp2 On The Way

    Ha! who are these 'sony' people? I think its a scam, they sound very like the e-bay scam artists. Its vapourware!
  20. grahamr

    Pandora Killed The Wiz

    By strange co-incidence on Saturday I actually saw someone who had fallen off a cliff. He was lying on the rocks for half an hour before anyone noticed. It was not pretty. Somehow he is still alive (but in critical condition).