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  1. socket

    Is Everything On Track For Early April Production?

    OK, so it was all an elaborate prank right? APRIL FOOLS! Wifi is working? Right? Assembly begins today???!?!
  2. socket

    Made In China!

    Yeah I don't blame anyone for canceling... However, I'm a gamer, and a gadget geek - there is still nothing close out there or in development that I know of. Gaming controls are #1. Keyboard is also HUGE... Touchscreen wasn't THAT important to me... but I'm really really glad it's there...
  3. socket

    Toronto, Tuesday, Pubgrub And Pandora

    These posts make me drool. Thanks guys.
  4. socket

    I Am Cancelling (Eventually)

    Call me a fanboy all you want, but until I see something else with the features I want I will not cancel. If one of those 50 ARM tablets have dual analog nubs, gaming controls, and are built around a community like this one, then sure, I might cancel.
  5. socket

    I Am Not Canceling

    I've never considered canceling. I just want it too damned bad.
  6. socket

    Today Is A Great Day!(Hopefully)

    Maybe Cosurgi will start another keyboard poll soon. ;-)
  7. socket

    Sega Saturn

    SIGH, ok... AMD Opteron 185 Denmark (dual core 2.6GHx) EVGA GeForce 8800 GTS 640MB 2GB PC3200 RAM Win 7 64 / Ubuntu ~2TB Storage, 500mb backed up daily
  8. socket

    Hosting For Pandora Sdk

    Dropbox is a good idea... I am willing to seed a torrent indefinitely, too. I'd also be willing to host a mirror on my shared hosting.
  9. socket

    Overclocking Test On An Cortex A8 Processor

    Sweet. Thanks!
  10. socket

    Anticipate The New Video Here

    UAE = Ultimate Amiga Emulator
  11. socket

    Anxiously Awaiting The Chinese New Year

    I have a problem with 35-49 days... It's not quite 2 months... the "next thing to go wrong" might add the extra days. I think he gave a fair estimation!
  12. socket

    Did We Get An Update From The Factory About Production Shipping Before

    Yeah, that's all I want. Just an update.
  13. socket

    Did We Get An Update From The Factory About Production Shipping Before

    I'm excited for any updates good or bad! It's better than being in the dark! 2 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things... If it's two more weeks I'll set an entry in my calendar to remind me to start paying attention again then! It'll give my f5 key a rest.
  14. socket

    Estimate Position

    I never bothered to ask my position but I got my confirmation email (from the mail headers) on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 15:07:14 +0100 (BST) - Didn't someone set up a thread or some kind of site with estimated positions based on order time once?
  15. socket

    Craigix' Latest Twitter: The Cases Have Arrived Early

    As annoyed as I have been with all of the waiting... I'm not sure I want them to just settle for not perfect.... :-/ But at the same time, the ones we've seen looked awesome to me. I guess it depends on what's "wrong" with them.
  16. socket

    Pinball Emulation Possible?

    Epic Android Pinball will have to do for now.......
  17. socket

    Pmenu Images Or Video?

    Cool, thanks ED. I'm really excited to see more Pmenu in action.
  18. socket

    My Pandora Preview

    Awesome preview, really good English... Thanks! Can't wait to just hold this sucker in my hands!
  19. socket

    Release It's Here!

    Wow. It's been quite a wait. I am repumped!
  20. socket

    Appstore Look

    Sure, I guess... I just think the Pandora's screen is mighty small for some of these designs. Hey, I hope I'm wrong! And that might not look so great as I use dual monitors at 1680x1050. Well it seems like the point is to make it available from any browser: