Search results

  1. M

    Lid Sensor?

    A nice classicly hand crafted Italian leather case with brass clasp or buckle should keep it closed, how about one of these for a collectors edition release? :D
  2. M

    Ambient Light Sensor? They Are Used In Laptops, Pdas...

    The N95 one is perfectly placed by the front camera above the screen.... didn't notice it for about two months just thought it was my eyes going funny in the light lol
  3. M

    Password Protection Upon Boot

    Option of password lock in firmware would be very nice and handy. I plan to use this as a PDA as well, i'm sure there are many otheres who would too, and I wouldn't wan't people getting at info should they manage to get hold of it.
  4. M

    Pandora Logo Poll

    In order 23, 9, 15
  5. M

    Pandora Logo - Take 2

    Didn't think that logo could get any better, this is the logo I would be proud to see on my Pandora
  6. M

    Pandora Logo - Take 2

    9 nine nine 9 just icase you missed it 9 that logo rocks
  7. M

    Dear Lord!

    I remember the good old days we had these really strange inventions called PENS!!! they had no back space key... not even a delete key, carriage return was available though it was more of a manual operation where by the user had to physicaly move the writing page up or move thier arm down to...
  8. M

    Pandora Wifi Port Tools For Pandora

    Planning on a little bit of Hacking/Cracking are we? ;)
  9. M

    Pandora Mascot

  10. M

    Your Most Wanted Ported Game On Pandora?

    Found the n810 vid here so should be possible on the Pandora and better as the Pandora is pretty much dedicated to gaming
  11. M

    Pandora Mascot

    How about a Panda dressed as a prostitute? Pandwhorer? eh eh? ah no one likes my brand of high brow comedy
  12. M

    What's The Best Racing Game?

    PS1 has to be GT2 PC Carmageddon or NFS:PU SNES Mario Kart Mega Drive Micro Machines series, Road Rash series Atari ST Super Hang On But the Daddy of them all has to be Super Off Road
  13. M

    What Applications Are You Looking Forward To?

    I like that idea... but for English - Italian :) English - Jap phrase one would be nice too
  14. M

    What Do You Plan To Put On Your Pandora's Memory Card?

    Tools to do the John Conner cash machine trick a'la T2 ...... oh how I wish I had a portfolio (queue tear for Atari) Seriously though Atari ST emu Amiga emu PS1 emu and games Bit of productivity software, games and other tools e-books especialy refrence or guide books
  15. M

    What Else Is In There?

    Shame there is no video in for recording off TV or even one of those lill cams
  16. M

    Your Most Wanted Ported Game On Pandora?

    Damn! I forgot about that lol awesome!!
  17. M

    Your Most Wanted Emulated Game On Pandora? (aka Friday Night Insomnia.

    Syndicate Wars (no source that I know of though) Diablo 1 (again no bloody source) Carmageddon (are we seeing a pattern here) Fallout 2 (the pain... where is the source) Jagged Aliance 2 (screen is probably too small for most of the graphics and no sorce)