Search results

  1. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    Well, that goes without saying. ;)
  2. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    Well, the guy will not give up: I guess he now plans to steal zodttd's source code and use it as his own.
  3. Lafazar

    Am I Famous Then?

    I think it might be due to this exchange between Exophase and craigix that got a little heated: I guess it's not my place to open that can of worms again, but I'm just trying to answer the question...
  4. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    Ah, I missed that. So that's where he got it from. Then we can expect the concluding part of the drama soon.
  5. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    What the fuck? Looks like he's been reading up on Ari64's work or someone told him. I still doubt he's gonna be able to get this to compile by himself. Let's see what happens next.
  6. Lafazar

    Glaube in das Projekt verloren?

    Ich habe immer an das Projekt geglaubt. Das Geld hat für mich dabei nie eine Rolle gespielt, denn ich habe gesehen, dass hier durchaus etwas wichtigeres Entsteht, das sich nicht einfach in Geld messen lässt: Eine Rückkehr des Pioniergeists bei der Hardwareentwicklung, wie man sie nur noch aus...
  7. Lafazar

    We Should Just Give Up Right Now

    Was this posted already? Now if that isn't a cool idea, I don't know what is. An it could actually be portable, the projector itself is smaller than pandora:
  8. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    Yeah, I managed to anger him enough to make him risk an answer. Let's see what other stupid things we can make him say. :P
  9. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    He's a pretty professional scammer already at his young age. He has made lots of his followers upload fake reviews (glowingly positive, of course) of his very basic apps and games to youtube. I have an idea: Let's flag his emulator videos as "scam" and the reviews of his apps as "mass...
  10. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    They're not the same person, Nworksdev alias ngskate888 is indeed Nick Garcia, look at his facebook page for confirmation, long hair and skateboard, fits pretty well to his ngskate888 account: (Okay, this is getting creepy, let's stop here with...
  11. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    You're being sarcastic, right? right? I wanna see the meltdown when he is forced to admit it's a fake. I love internet drama. Edit: He just confused his youtube alt accounts:
  12. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    That would be pretty funny considering his videos where he accuses someone of stealing his "code": Ooooh, internet drama! From what I gather I doubt he would even have the knowledge how to include your core...
  13. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    Did some googling just for the heck of it. You can't tell me that this guy is capable of coding an emulator, the following thread is three weeks old and concerns a very basic game that he worked four, no, wait, two months on. I'll let his posts speak for themselves...
  14. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    True, but I have serious doubt that it would come from a fourteen year old who specializes in XCode and Flash Actionscript.
  15. Lafazar

    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    Very interesting. But I think he might just be acting out the finger movements to a prerecorded video. We will see soon enough whether this is real or not, but I'm pretty skeptical at the moment. Edit: Skeptics assemble!
  16. Lafazar

    Das Warten auf die Cases....*ED Update 2*

    Re: Das Warten auf die Cases....*ED Update* <r><QUOTE author="Nupfi"><s> </e></QUOTE> Das ist die Zeit, zu der EDs Bestätigungsmail an mich abgeschickt wurde. Das ist der einzige Ort, an dem ich sehen kann, wann ich bestellt habe. Laut EDs Aussage auf der letzten Seite habe ich eine gute...
  17. Lafazar

    Das Warten auf die Cases....*ED Update 2*

    Re: Das Warten auf die Cases....*ED Update* <t>Oh, wow. Auf einmal geht alles ganz schnell. Die Vorfreude bringt mich um!<br/> <br/> E-Mail Gesendet: 30.09.2008 17:12<br/> Date Ordered: Tuesday 30 September, 2008<br/> Order Number: 2433</t>
  18. Lafazar

    Warcraft And Updates For Albion / Xcom 1-2

    You can also find a legal copy of X-COM 1&2 on Steam. The games run in DOSBOX, so it's easy to copy all the gamedata files, since they are not copy protected: X-COM: UFO Defense X-COM: Terror From the Deep Perhaps...
  19. Lafazar

    Lemonboy2X Updated

    Thank you so much, Pickle. You are our hero!
  20. Lafazar

    When Is The Real Release Date...

    Please stop fighting and be a bit more nice to each other, it really hurts to read this thread. Yes, not everything has gone smoothly, but fighting over who is to blame for the delay is not helpful at all right now. craigix, EvilDragon, MWeston & co are under a lot of stress as they have been...