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  1. N

    Still Need A Crono Trigger Save State...

    ...was having such much fun until i pressed save on start up rather than load and so have lost several hours of play - if anyone has a state about the time you put the sword back together and then make your way to go and take on the big fella, it would be very much appreciated... message me and...
  2. N

    Emulation Development And Gamepark?

    the only trouble with the "no, it will never happen" comments are that they have been said quite a few times before, only for someone to come out and do it (i remember reading that starfox/snes would no way be emulated and now that has happened - albeit at an early stage) so it's hard to really...
  3. N

    Emulation Development And Gamepark?

    im glad it's not just me that thinks this way - it's just considering the continued interest in the psx emulator, threads on here getting to 50+ pages and people hanging on every one of zodttd's posts - not to mention the amount of clips up on youtube of ff7 and what not running....and yeh, am...
  4. N

    Emulation Development And Gamepark?

    This is probably a really dumb point and no doubt breaks international rules of the homebrew code of ethics - but i cant for the life of me understand why gamepark doesnt chuck several thousand dollars at a coder or two to produce an effective psx emulator, effectivly creating the killer app for...
  5. N

    Part 13,500 Fell Out :(

    im confused though, as this happened on thursday - well, i noticed it rattling on thursday, opened her up on friday and out it popped. have been using the gp2x as usual since and there is no difference at all. of course, sending it in would be the right move, but i dont want to be without it...
  6. N

    Squidgesnes 0.39

    hmmm, noticed something now - im playing through earthbound, my previous save states work fine and i can play and save and reload without any problem. but if i turn off the gp2x and try to load my save state i am being given the save state i had before updating squidgeness. any clues?
  7. N

    Squidgesnes 0.39

    just to throw in a thumbs up for all the work being done on this - is very much appreciated from me at least!
  8. N

    Part 13,500 Fell Out :(

    does this mean i need to replace the dilithium crystals?
  9. N

    Part 13,500 Fell Out :(

    Hmm, this cant be good. I noticed a rattling with my GP2X and opened her up to have a look. A Metal componant with 13,500 etched on it promptly fell out the back. The GP2X still seems to run okay, but am presuming that this want just included in the build for the hell of it and served a...
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    ooh, this is nice. just put GPmenu2 on (which i had been meaning to get around to anyway) and with clocking at 200 advance wars runs at about 70%. very nice release and many congrats to the mysterious author!
  11. N

    Dynarec Completed For Psx4all Project.

    just wanted to add a few words to show support for this. seems pretty mental to me that a psx could run on a gp2x, what with the amiga, snes and gba still running slow and all (and yes, i know its not as simple as that, but to my non-techie brain it doesnt quite compute) but would certainly be...
  12. N

    Chrono Trigger Save States?

    um, could still really use a save state. im enjoying earthbound and all - but as CT was the reason i bought one of these little beasts i would really appreciate a state to finish the beauty off.
  13. N

    Chrono Trigger Save States?

    that would be cool - if you still have it i can PM you my email address?
  14. N

    Chrono Trigger Save States?

    Oh man, I was loading my state in Squidgeness and in my enthusiasm scrolled down and hit save by mistake, thus saving the title screen. not funky, especially as i had just put that sword back together and was on my way to kick someone's butt with it. Just wondering if anyone is playing it and...