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  1. T

    2nd Cpu, Utilised Much In Emulators?

    Vektar uses it...but I know of no emulators using it. Edit: Vektar not Vectar!
  2. T Is For Sale!

    So if I find your phone number or email address or real name, you don't mind if I post it? :P
  3. T

    Blueray Possibly To Bring Down Sony?

    Optical Media has had its day methinks. It's going to things like portable hard disks and SD cards soon. As the prices go down and the size(as in storage)/speed goes up, it's inevitable.
  4. T


  5. T

    Gamepark Reveals Its Xgp Running 3d Movie Clips

    Porn! And I still say that screen is tiny :P.
  6. T

    GP2X Different Kind Of Emulator :-)

    If its any use, I use this for reference. Though its probably nothing you haven't seen before :D
  7. T

    The Codes Is Broked

    Just fixed it. I added TTF_Init(); and TTF_Quit(); At the start and end, just before the SDL_Quit(); line respectively. At least thats one hurdle down. Thanks a bunch nickspoon!
  8. T

    Retro Game Music Remixes.

    Its not remix's, but I do quite like these :). Command & Conquer Soundtrack
  9. T

    The Codes Is Broked

    I can quit the program now, yet still no words! I figured using funny characters might've borked it, but removing both the space and the "!" had no effect. Edit: It might be worth noting also that with if(!(fontsurface)) it still breaks out.
  10. T

    The Codes Is Broked

    Thanks for the response, but alas, she still wont fly. However, I implemented some error checking(id rather have text output for that mind :P) and something interesting happened. Code as it is now: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "SDL.h" #include "SDL_TTF.h"...
  11. T

    The Codes Is Broked

    Theres multiple things wrong here I'm sure, and its causing me to get a distinct disliking for C++/SDL. Is there no easier way to write out some goddamn text????? I imagine once this works, I'd have a frame for a text-writing function, but alas, the text is not shown, nor do the button captures...
  12. T

    Working Emulators?

    SNES Genesis/Megadrive Game Boy Master System NES Edit: Clarification
  13. T

    Hello Im Loving The Gameboy Emu's But....

    There is an option in the options menu to enable streching to make it fullscreen. But as far as the game boy camera goes, thats not likely to work, as it was part of the cartridge.
  14. T

    State Of The Gp2x?

    Its nothing to do with the timescale. You'd get the same """Overhype""" if you went onto a PSP forum and said "Hey guys why should I buy a PSP over a GP2X??". As far as the faults go, its not End of the World problems. Its not like the unit lasts "1 hour" when you put good batteries in it. Its...
  15. T

    State Of The Gp2x?

    Link of ultimate fun V Mario Bros. @ 200Mhz. There, thats the lot. Now back to Delphi fun! Hopefully one of these videos has helped make up your mind on whether this is the console for you or not.
  16. T

    State Of The Gp2x?

    Link of ultimate fun IV Alex Kidd in Miracle World @ 233Mhz FS0.
  17. T

    State Of The Gp2x?

    Link of ultimate fun III Super Mario Land 2 @ 240Mhz.
  18. T

    State Of The Gp2x?

    Heck, DrMDx has some flaws. Sonic 2's water palettes go to hell whenever you go near water. Still good fun though :P. Besides, I don't call good emulators perfect, I call them awesome. With a big A. Awesome Anyways, should I take a video of Super Mario Land 2 on gnuboy, or is there no interest...
  19. T

    State Of The Gp2x?

    Well, this is a forum full of GP2X fanboys. If you ask for an opinion on whether a console is good or not on a forum that is pretty much dedicated to it, you should take into account that there will be a little bias in there. At least DaveC tries to be fairly comprehensive.