Search results

  1. M

    Pandora, Looking Good!

    Nice movie, now I know why it was good to paid attention during the German lessons at school :P But what about this: It looks like a big hole between the front and the back
  2. M

    Great Keyboard/typing Game Idea?

    I don’t mean that this should be ported so we can learn how to touch-type with the pandora. My idea is that the keyboard could also be used as an game controller. I'm planning to learn to program as soon as I got my Pandora and then make something like this...
  3. M

    Great Keyboard/typing Game Idea?

    (Sorry for the wrong section..) Yeah.. most of us already can touch-type. But it would be a great (and fun) way to learn to handle typing at a small keyboard like the Pandora has.
  4. M

    Great Keyboard/typing Game Idea?

    Wouldn't it be cool if someone make an typing game for the :pandora1: . Like this one: This would be a great game to make full use of the keyboard. Unfortunately I don't have any coding skills (I only understand the lua language a bit) so maybe one of you...
  5. M

    Guide/home/mini-dash/slide-in Bar

    Looks great, but did you know that some apps can shutdown the os to get full cpu and ram access ;) So it should work but not with all apps/games.
  6. M

    Non-gaming Apps

    I would like to see openFTD and a usenet download program running on the pandora. And a mp3 player with good looking visualization would be nice
  7. M

    What Kind Of Homebrew Games Would You Like To See?

    -Rollercoaster clone -Anno 1601 clone -Some good looking airplain shooter game -quake 3 :) Edit: -red alert clone -Good looking break out game