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  1. kev187

    Battery Maxes Out 82%

    My Pandora's Battery never charges higher than 82%? It only last several hours of good use also, if I leave it charged all night its still 82% in the morning? Typcical of the Lipo to be a bit off, or bad battery?
  2. kev187

    Battery Maxes Out 82%

    My Pandora's Battery never charges higher than 82%? It only last several hours of good use also, if I leave it charged all night its still 82% in the morning? Typcical of the Lipo to be a bit off, or bad battery?
  3. kev187

    I Got My Pandora

    I have had my Pandora for 4 days now & its just amazing. Great little piece of hardware. The plastics are a little on the cheap side, but its solid overall. The screen is just beautiful & the controls/keyboard are spot on. Software is a little quirky... but works & will continue to be...
  4. kev187

    Hugo Pc-Engine Cd Roms

    Ok every one helped me with my PSX images. Now HUGO... I have files from Temper, but they will not work with HUGO. Whats the best way to take my PC engine CDrom games and make files with them for HUGO? I tried using the same steps as the PSX games, but HUGO did not recognize the files...
  5. kev187

    Release Hugo-Pandora V1.1.0

    PC-Engine has some great games. Temper on my GP2X worked amazing, Hugo is just ok... I am looking forward to a Temper port for the Pandora.
  6. kev187

    Creating Disk Images For Psx-Rearmed

    Well Thanks :-D I remember the old days of my GP2X randomly pushing buttons till I found an exit menu! PSX down... software works amazing, hard to believe. And more yet to come
  7. kev187

    Creating Disk Images For Psx-Rearmed

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! CD Clone worked perefecto! Ok... how the heck do I quick the emulator?????? why do all these emus make it so hard to get out of?????
  8. kev187

    Creating Disk Images For Psx-Rearmed

    I got this? ERROR: Expecting only one toc-file. Cdrdao version 1.2.3 - (C) Andreas Mueller <> Usage: cdrdao read-cd [options] toc-file options: --device [proto:]{<x,y,z>|device} - sets SCSI device of CD-ROM reader --driver <id> - force usage of specified driver for...
  9. kev187

    Creating Disk Images For Psx-Rearmed

    OK... I have my own personal legally owned PSX Games that I would like to make a backup image of and use with PSX-ReARMed on my Pandora What tools are you using out there? CDRwin? I have access to Mac, WIndows, Ubuntu. Anyone got a quick step by step on the best tools to create a proper...
  10. kev187

    Gngeo And Mame4All Help

    I got impatient and reset the Pandora Thanks :-)
  11. kev187

    Gngeo And Mame4All Help

    Thanks I got mame4all working, Ill mess with GNgeo, i got roms all over, maybe I can pull the roms from Mame for my mac & play with them on here?> OK BIG QUESTION, ONCE I LOAD A GAME IN MAME4ALL, HOW IN THE HECK DO I EXIT OUT OF IT BACK TO MAME??? i AM ABOUT TO RESET MY PANDORA TO GET OUT OF...
  12. kev187

    Gngeo And Mame4All Help

    Ok Neither of these is working for me and with lots of searching I get nothing straight forward (please help) mame4all is telling me there are no compaitble roms? DO they need to be someplace special on the card? GnGeo I have all the old files from my GP2x Gngeo (bios ect) (all legally...
  13. kev187

    Exaile Does Not Work, Other Options

    Thanks everyone How does one get deadbeef on their pandora? I am a NooB and use linux (ubuntu) but not a command line warrior by any means. I have just been getting whats avail on the pandora app site and putting the PND on the SD cards? How does one go about getting the alternative players?
  14. kev187

    Usb Tether N900

    I have a netbook running Ubuntu and I tether using my N900 via USB and cruise the net in 3.5G happiness I have my N900 hooked up to my pandora via the USB port & have the N900 in PC-suite mode, but from here... how to I get the net going? its not quite as intuitive as my Mac or Ubuntu netbook...
  15. kev187

    Exaile Does Not Work, Other Options

    Copy I just loaded the codec pack on the SD card. So just click to install, or the PND file just being there is enough? I have had my pandora 12 hours now, so lots of questions. I am not a NooB though.. been running emulation on my mac, GP2x, DS for years. Just need to fine tune
  16. kev187

    Exaile Does Not Work, Other Options

    I loaded some MP3s on my SD card. I put the Exaile pnd file on the car. Exaile opens with its start screen, then just goes away and does nothing. Is this software no good at this point? Is there another option for listening to music on the pandora? I just got mine, loading emulators &...
  17. kev187

    Still Believe In Craig & Ed Despite The Recent Revalations

    Wow a lot of anger here? Well.. everyone is allowed to vent, crying wont change anything. I think the guys made a good move, its a small venture for us geeks who have no other option out there outside of lugging a netbook in our pocket. When we pre-ordered we knew this was a not a big...
  18. kev187


    I love the Jaguar, I had one back in 1995 when they went on discount for $69 & picked up Tempest 2K & played for hours. I currently have a jag with my other vintage machines, still play tempest & have the good stuff like Battleshpere... ect... its a clunky machine that for some reason is just...
  19. kev187

    Usb 3G Adapter

    Nope T-mobile is the provider, 3G is the download speed :-)
  20. kev187

    Usb 3G Adapter

    Hey Everyone... now that these Pandoras of ours are shipping??? Can I use one of these with it? It says, mac/windows support, but how hard would it be to get the Pandora to work with...