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  1. K

    Ich hätte gerne ein kaltes Red Bull Light :)

    @Mods bitte closen -> Offtopic! :lol: Ich auch :D
  2. K

    DRM nur für kommerzielle Spiele

    Da hast du Recht, aber was ist wenn jemand nen kommerzielles Tetris bringen will aber alle schon das homebrew Tetris von SuperCoderXy spielen? :D
  3. K


    Schau mal in diesen Thread: :)
  4. K

    Craigs Korea-Reise

    <spekulation>Die spielen sicher schon mit dem Fullspeed SNES Emu aufm gpx2 in Korea, jede Wette!</spekulation> :D
  5. K

    gpx2 oder XGP?

    Wurde denn irgendwo offiziell/inoffiziell gesagt das die beiden Spiele kommen sollen? Ich würde mich darauf nicht verlassen, wenn man sieht was GamePark in der Vergangenheit schon alles versprochen hat.....(engl. ASR, Flash Player, Capcom games usw.) :lol: Edit: ok, Quake ist portierbar, da...
  6. K

    Portal Preview, Farben und Design

    Die Seite ist wirklich sehr schön geworden! *Lob* :-)
  7. K

    Xump V1.0

    hey Quiest the game what inspired us making xump was a c64 game, its called sensitive: sensitive. I don't know about a similar dos game :-)
  8. K

    Xump V1.0

    Thanks for all your nice comments :-) There is a Level Editor and we are going to allow custom level packs in the next version. Stay tuned :-)
  9. K

    Xump V1.0

    Four months after the gbax compo we are proud to release xump v1.0 :-) XUMP is a puzzle game for the GP32 by Psilocybin Development. The game is simple but will keep you busy for hours, and thats a promise! New in this version: 26-02-2005, v1.00 * Partitially new graphics * More levels...
  10. K

    Gameking: First Impressions

    hey all check out this Gameking dev page There are a lot of Screenshots and Game Reviews :-) thanks to tharo for the link ;-)
  11. K

    Gameking: First Impressions

    Hi Gruntfuggly it's a pacman style game. You play "the happy ball" and must collect "food". You have to avoid enemies, only chance to fight them is to press B. That makes a hole in the plattform and your enemies fall into the hole and can't move anylonger. Overall a nice game :-D
  12. K

    Gameking: First Impressions

    I took some pics of my gameking :-)
  13. K

    Gp Mania #2 - Help Request!

    Hello thanks for your all youre offers :-) To you and everyone else who will contribute and can write german. Please write some lines of a gp32 game review in german and send it to feedback(at)gpmania(dot)de. The game must be a homebrew game or a commercial one, no rom game review please. We...
  14. K

    "i'll Cry If This Isn't Entered In Gbax" Thread

    I can agree with your opinion, kojo. And to the others, just wait till the contest is finished and don't hassle the authors to release stuff. just wait :-) And another point, the contest is about more as only emulators. Making a game from scratch is the same hard work as porting a emu. It looks...
  15. K

    New German Gp32 Printmagazine!

    update by kojote, first in german :-) Liebe Freunde der leichten Unterhaltung Da die Arbeit an dem Magazin schon gut vorangeht, hier ein paar Details von den bisher fertiggestellten Texten: * 3 Seiten Newsüberblick des letzten Monats (event. 4) * 2 Seiten Text von unserem Briefonkel, lasst...
  16. K

    Gpmagazine Jpg Edition Here

    Mirror: :-)