Search results

  1. SavageMind

    Release Inside The Box - Anyone interested in Pandora-only Zine ?

    StreaK, for every issue you don't put out....a baby seal gets clubbed. Have a heart, save a seal! :blink:
  2. SavageMind

    Could this mean home VR finally?

    I'm not sure you could get 3d effect with a composite signal. That is what the TV out cable uses.
  3. SavageMind

    Quotations, Production speed and the future (2011-09-01)

    Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll, Troll. Kind rolls off the tongue like saaaaaaaaay: "Lesbian!" "Now everyone say, Lesbian!", Alan Shore Boston Legal. Well the Thread title does say "Quotations" **Disclaimer** Please understand the...
  4. SavageMind

    What game franchises should they stop making?

    Red Faction....They should have left it at Guerilla and please stick a fork in Fear!!!! :blink:
  5. SavageMind

    Release Angry Birds for Pandora

    I think at this point the decision has been made. I think it's time for this thread to goto bed until a final disposition is decided.
  6. SavageMind

    N Gage Emulator

    Actually I liked my N-Gage. I think I still have it in fact. Loved playing Tony Hawk on it. It was a crappy phone for reception. As a gaming device it wasn't half bad. I do have to say this for it though. It took a beating. I was in a Bradley roll over and it bounced all around the turret and I...
  7. SavageMind

    Preparing for Germany (2011-08-26)

    Obviously it's the Smurf Pandora he's referring to: http://boards.openpa...dpost__p__88141 It's the only upgrade I need. :blink:
  8. SavageMind

    Calvin and Hobbes...

    LOL...If it was only true. Almost got caught up on a story until I realized the site I was on. Funny very funny. :blink:
  9. SavageMind

    Release Angry Birds for Pandora

    There was no question of agreement. There was a question of legality. I will review the terms of use again.
  10. SavageMind

    Day of the tentacle

    hmmmmmm...Ringworld. I'm going to have a blast with this.
  11. SavageMind

    Quotations, Production speed and the future (2011-09-01)

    I read his post is says something "like" 10000 EUR. That is not specific. I can't go to people and ask of a round about figure and find out later it is not sufficient. Thanks for sharpshooting. :blink:
  12. SavageMind

    Day of the tentacle

    I wonder if ScummVM will play Ringworld?
  13. SavageMind

    Quotations, Production speed and the future (2011-09-01)

    What's the minimum investment you require? I may have a group of individuals that would be willing to pool investment.
  14. SavageMind

    Release Angry Birds for Pandora

    What if you already paid for the game? Does it matter what platform it is on? The porting without permission I'm sure that in itself is illegal.
  15. SavageMind

    Pandora commercial

    Very Cool 8 bit animation. Very simple but well stated.
  16. SavageMind

    Preparing for Germany (2011-08-26)

    I hate to say it. I'm not impressed. If they made it a open platform it would be great. The problem with most of these mass marketed game systems is they are proprietary. Wireless with At&t...Really? I know there will be some tireless groups trying to crack the thing and that will be great...
  17. SavageMind

    Pandora + iCP hijacked by kids.

    Very awsome pic. I can't wait to bring my Pandora home to my daughter so she can play the rest of "Daddy's old games". :blink:
  18. SavageMind

    Release Hotfix 6 Alpha 4 released

    Sooo. Do I have to load each hotfix individually or are they culmative? i may have missed something while i was searching for it. :blink:
  19. SavageMind

    An appointment and boards shipping (2011-07-22)

    OMG! I almost pi$$ed myself! :lol: Sorry PECA. Still funny though. Too bad my point was lost in the faux pas. Oh well. Win some, loose a bunch! :blink:
  20. SavageMind

    Day of the tentacle

    I'll tell ya. I really like Loom. That was a fun game.