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  1. D

    So What Do People Usually Do With Their Gp2x?

    I play alot of the homebrew games. The SNES (squidge) is great for classic rpg's and mario favirotes. I play Sonic most the time on DrMD, and just random games on the NES. I'm going to wait for the GBA emulator to come out (if it does) to start GB,GBC etc. games. Last I knew none of the current...
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    New Gba Emu In Progress

    Sweet Nector!
  3. D

    Gp2x Up To Snuff As A Media Player?

    If you haven't figured out already, the gp2x is really a great choice for a pmp. Not to say there isn't some faults. As an Ereader, you can read books and stuff perfectly, for most part, I think you have to change some inches on it (like in wordpad) to make it fit correctly. I've looked at PDF...
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    Guildwars2x Skin V1.0

    B) Cool skin, big fan of GW, and play it also, nice to take some of it on the go with me lol
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    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    hell yes, you two are awesome! 5 stars, four thumbs up lol
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    Is The Scene...

    I think there's been alot of programs and such being updated, but not as much new stuff coming out. That's just me
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    Tv Out Rules!!

    I have yet still to get one, but if it works good now then I will definatly buy one :D
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    Gp2x Multiplayer

    Yea I agree, no ones ever heard of it lol but online would be cool yes
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    Movie Formats

    It'd still be nice to get some other formats in, at least something like OGM, since they have OGG files out. MKV would be nice to, but o well wishful thinking
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    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    This sounds like its coming along good, keep it up!
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    Wifi/wlan Connection Works Very Well

    Awesome to here someone got this to work. I would have no clue were to start, but I don't think I'll be doing this anytime soon so
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    Firmware 2.0.0 Next Week!

    nice finally lol
  13. D

    Cnet Review

    From Cnet this was an extremely poor review. Most of the statements were wrong, or just generally not complete. They should of done research first most of all. And this baby's been out for a little over six month's, granted they don't pick every gadget up, but why would it take someone so long...
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    Format Txt Files For Gp2x

    Finally, someone figured out a solution, thanks much
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    Verge Rpg Creation Engine

    Ahh kick A** news guys, now if I only had a clue bout programmin, unless it's like rpgmaker then I should be fine that'd be awesome :lol:
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    The N64 Mod

    cool mod man, i havea controller with a black cap, and more than 4 so i'll probably just use one of those if i decide to do this
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    Inside The Gp2x - Beginners Guide

    Nice guide, checked it out for fun, lot better than the original in my opinion
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    Ahh things happen, it's cool
  19. D

    Gp2x Break Out Box (finished Product)

    Nice! Been waitin for something to come along like this that I knew about lol Just gotta get the cash now :P
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    Highest Numbered Machine Serial Number..

    ahh thats kewl, I aint gonna bother to look at what mine is but thats interesting note lol :D