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  1. D

    Gbax Emails Notifcation

    If anyone picked the 4-12 days shipping, prior to the confirmation email, can someone give me how many days it took to get it after that? I'd just like to know
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    Usb Connection Problems

    So besides going through that program to get it to read or w/e, we should absolutley format it as FAT32?
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    Gbax Emails Notifcation

    I won't get mine probably until next week, I'm gettin mine as a gift so it'll be shipped here when it arrives elsewhere. But i did get my confirmation email a few days ago so its good news =D
  4. D

    Gbax Emails Notifcation

    I ordered mine the 7th and got a email yesterday! yes!
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    Rechargeable Aa Batteries

    Yes i was wondering also, while I wait for my gp2x to come, (which strangely I got a confirmation today, i ordered the 8th of this month lol) I want to buy some stuff, including rechargable batteries. I want to get the best deal for a charger, and people say 2500mAH is what I should go for. I...
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    New Fireware Instalation Method?

    well im glad that there workin on another one, I was concerend with the current one I didn't want my unit going BLAH on me lol
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    Gp2x Second Batch Shipped Today? (gbax)

    hopefully something better =D
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    Gp2x Second Batch Shipped Today? (gbax)

    I ordered mine the 8th, well maybe the 9th it was late at night. I wonder if that means mine will be in the second batch =D I dont mind as long as I get it before xmas lol
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    Who Wants To Connect A Snes Controler To The Gp2x

    Oh man this would be so cool! I thought there would already be somethin like this ready for the GP2x but i found out soon enough it wasn't, so that's one dissapointment. Not to say its a great system, it'd just be more convienent to after pluggin in the gp2x to a tv to havea controller :D...
  10. D

    Transfering Files

    Alright thankx, I'll probably buy one anyway but until I do I just wanted to make sure I can be able to use the usb cord. I'm set then =D I'm just scared about the firmware update, some people have trouble but I'll do it probably lol
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    Are All New Units Upgraded With The New Firmware?

    i for one hope they start doing this sometime, I mean having it possibly kill your gp2x!? I think I'll wait until they come out with a safer method or something
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    Transfering Files

    Hey all, I just orderd my gp2x and I'm just downloading stuff for what I want to put on there and lookin around. I was wondering, to transfer stuff to the SD card, you dont need a card writer right? You can use the USB cable, granted it'll go slower. I figured you can but people were tlaking...
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    How Orders Are Going??

    haha at least you guys know when your orderd and stuff, im getin it 4 xmas as a present so who nkows when mine will come lol
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    Disgruntled And Unlucky

    yea same here but when I get mine I'll just use some fresh AA's
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    N64 Completely Impossible?

    This is somethin I'm really lookin foward to, and I'm no developer but I know specs and stuff, well some to say and as I wait for my gp2x im sure ill get the hang of the basics. Someone will figure it out eventually and we'll be able to play, just in time :D keep up the work boys (and girls)
  16. D

    Gp2x Psx Emulator Released

    I'm getting a Gp2x for xmas so I dont know when it'll come but I'm just lookin up on develpment right now, and its kickin ass! Plenty of guides on how to get stuff on the system and emulators updatin almost everyday. The PSX emulator I'm lookin foward to in particular, I never got an original...