Search results

  1. T

    Keep Track Of The Latest Pandora Development!

    Do you think your comments are something no one here has ever heard or thought about before? Maybe if you'd spent the last two years here, you'd understand why we're waiting and what this project is about. You talk about expectations, but clearly, your expectations are not ours - stop acting as...
  2. T

    Keep Track Of The Latest Pandora Development!

    And how are they supposed to accede to these "demands?" If I had known more than OPT, I would have told them exactly what to do a couple of years ago. I didn't and don't, so I can't exactly complain. In any event, most of the delays have resulted from having to wait for manufacturers for whom...
  3. T

    Keep Track Of The Latest Pandora Development!

    I guess that means you're volunteering to go and speed up board/nub production yourself then?
  4. T

    GP32X Needs You!

    Weird how these things are, I guess - I kind of like programming GUIs, because it's pretty easy and produces a visible result, unlike anything else I try to code. :P Of course, apart from Visual Basic the only thing I've used is PyGTK - maybe you could consider GTK, as it's included on the...
  5. T

    Pandora and PSGroove, the open source PS3 jailbreak

    Yeah, but to be honest, I don't see Sony leaving this unpatched for long, and they're nowhere near as incompetent as Nintendo when it comes to security. Which is (one reason) why I don't have a PS3.
  6. T

    Pandora And Psgroove, The Open Source Ps3 Jailbreak

    Yeah, but to be honest, I don't see Sony leaving this unpatched for long, and they're nowhere near as incompetent as Nintendo when it comes to security. Which is (one reason) why I don't have a PS3.
  7. T

    Best Macintosh Games

    My first console was the SNES, but I got it used (at least secondhand, if not thirdhand), late in its lifetime. Before that my family had a Performa Mac, which came with games like Spectre and Spin Doctor Challenger. I was able to get lots of games from the library, and others (mostly...
  8. T

    GP32X Needs You!

    I actually have been. :P I completely agree with you, though. I see torpor as being deliberately inflammatory quite a bit of the time. Maybe part of it is that I also personally resent his "people should be coding more" thing, since I can't really code. I feel like I should, though, given that...
  9. T

    GP32X Needs You!

    Exactly - which is why I nominate you, because even when I think you're totally wrong about things you never come off as a giant caustic jerk. :P
  10. T

    Best Sega Master System games

    I've never owned a Master System, but I can recommend Phantasy Star (1) - I have that as part of the Phantasy Star Collection GBA cart. I also have Sonic the Hedgehog and Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine as part of the GCN Sonic Mega Collection.
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    Best NES Games

    I'll add Bionic Commando to the above list - I haven't played any NES games in years, so I don't know how objectively good it is, but I liked it then. :P
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    GP32X Needs You!

    I half-hoped that would be your reaction, since I want you to maximize the time spent writing code. I still think you'd make a good mod, though. :P
  13. T

    GP32X Needs You!

    I concur with the nomination of WizardStan, and I also nominate Exophase. I don't always agree with him, but he tends to stay calm and rational.
  14. T

    why are we talking about a 2nd batch?

    I have the same feeling. People are talking about 900 shipped, but by all the polls and so forth that were made, I should be somewhere from 400-600 in line (never asked for my position). Now I know these are rough estimates, but I also know that at least one person who ordered at around the same...
  15. T

    Help With Slow Wifi On New Laptop?

    What I'm saying is, IMO if it's a problem with wireless N (I don't have any N devices personally, so I don't know about problems - could it be that a lot of the N hardware is "draft-N" and doesn't meet the final specification?) it would be better to address it on the router's side. I don't know...
  16. T

    Help With Slow Wifi On New Laptop?

    It's not a matter of shutting down a receiver (well, maybe, if the N wireless is using 5.8 GHz), but there are a lot of things you could try - if you want to force wireless-G, you can do it on the router. How you do it would depend on your router's software. You could probably do it on your...
  17. T

    Re: New Dedicated Pandora Forums

    Just to make it clear, I don't see OP having "total control" as a positive thing - ED has done a good job as an admin here, but Craig's record is spotty at best. ED being admin means that he doesn't actually have to discuss changes to these forums, he does it because the forums are run for the...
  18. T

    Nes Programming: Where To Start?

    I haven't ever done any NES programming, but for assembly programming in general, I think you should have a very good idea of how numbers are represented in binary (two's complement integers, maybe IEEE 754 floating-point representation), and be able to translate between binary and hexadecimal...
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    GP32X Needs You!

    I'm not sure self-nomination is a good idea. "I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected." -- William Tecumseh Sherman
  20. T

    Who's Staying?

    I disagree - outside of a few specific threads, I did not notice any real anti-Pandora sentiment. Certainly there were people who disliked the project for some reason, but they didn't post in the Pandora section anyway, so the situation with respect to them has not really changed. This does...