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  1. F

    Neo Geo Pocket / Gameboy Sp

    because we are not ALL made of money
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    Dead Pixels

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    Neo Geo Pocket / Gameboy Sp

    with the gameboy sp costing a fraction of the price of a gamepark blu how do people think the gameboy stands up to the gp. also with the neo geo pocket costing 8pounds is it worth getting? is there a neo geo pocket DIY scene out there?????
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    Dead Pixels

    its a shame...... i will probally buy a lcd monitor for my pc one day so ill will probally need to see it working before i buy
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    Dead Pixels

    hello, craig........
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    Dead Pixels

    i but ive just fork out a lot of money for this thing. its really anoying
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    Dead Pixels

    ive just found a dead pixel on my new gp32 blu screen, anybody else had this problem? ive not had the machine two weeks! do you think i should send it back???? :angry:
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    GP32 Generating Sounds...

    dunno, but if you need some music - fabulous23s
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    Vectrex Bin

    how long? it just comes up with a b/w screen that says vectrex in the middle.
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    Vectrex Bin

    what format are vectrex roms meant to be in? ive got some in the .bin format but they wont load up in gpvectrex <_<
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    Carry Case

    anyone know where to get a gp32 carry case from? they seem to be "out of stock" at gbax :blink:
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    About Speccyal'k Future...

    right then. i shall try that..........
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    About Speccyal'k Future...

    i got two z80 files to work - travel with trashman and strangeloop - thet look great on the gp32 but what are the gp32 controls assigned to?????? :huh:
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    Text Viewer

    got it, its the dogs ollox ;)
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    Text Viewer

    what id the URL for that? :rolleyes:
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    Text Viewer

    :unsure: what the best text viewer for gp32 (in english)
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    About Speccyal'k Future...

    whts the url for the website???
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    About Speccyal'k Future...

    whats wrong with taps?
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    About Speccyal'k Future...

    ;) wicked mate.. give us an idea when its due im up for this update big time
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    About Speccyal'k Future...

    ok, well good luck with it. i really bought my gp32 to play speccy games and havent goy any of the games i wanted to play to work :( so ill look forward to the new version. keep us informed ! gp32_console