Search results

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    - Yeti Gpl Version -

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    Warlock Of Firetop Mountain Problem Sorted!

    great news :) cant wait to try the full version. maybe this will spawn out more vns adventures
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    Virtualeech - I Need You Desperately! Vns Help Pls

    Ive been in greece for a week and just found this thread now. Did anything work out, what happend? When can we play this awesome game? :D I dont mind writing down any password to continue.
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    Nestergpd V1.5a

    when trying the older version i noticed it skips frames, so i dunno. might just be me or my version tho.
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    Gpcd Again

    but buying a cd full of links isnt really intresting is it?
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    Clock Speed Test

    Mr Mirko clockspeed tester,0,0,0,8,431
  7. E, Hacked???

    he pwned them :P
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    I Need Impressive Screenshots Of Asr & Blood Cross

    third hit in google gave me: :P
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    Mystery Of The Fday Reveiled

    Im glad im a betatester at his forum, but i've yet to see some betas, so be patient people! :P
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    Formatting A Smc

    slubmans fw has the option to format smc
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    Yeti3d Website Gone...

    "Men's Rights Agency - Parental Alienation" here :s
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    Warlock Of Firetop Mountain Vns - Half Way Now!

    Nice work man! :) I dont care about the loading time, as long as we know its loading we can wait :P Keep it up, cant wait for the final version. Just a question, do you have to start all over each time you play, or can you start from your last position/game?
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    Got Around To Make A Little Website

    the font is cliche? if you viewed the source, it doesnt even specify a font. its just the default font your browser sets when no font is specified in the stylesheet.
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    Fighting Fantasy Demo V.0.2 Online!

    I'll have a go at this later tonight. :)
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    Do Thes Games All Work?

    intresting list, now i know what to put on my smc before i go on holiday next month ;)
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    Mslug32x: Please Help...

    the file downloaded at doesnt have the mslug32.fxe, thats why its not working :P
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    Fighting Fantasy Vns Game V.0.1 Download Available

    Death in the game or real life? ;P
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    Fighting Fantasy Vns Game V.0.1 Download Available

    Good work! :) Cant wait to see the next beta, but the final version will be even more great! :) Stupid question, but how much time until we will see the final version? ;) I remember the book isnt THAT big, and with the new vns the scripting will go faster? Anyways, keep it up.
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    Fighting Fantasy Vns Game V.0.1 Download Available

    Just tried it now. Looks promising so far, not the best graphics, but I'm not complaining. They have their charm. So far so good, keep up the good work :)
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    Fighting Fantasy Update

    I found out that firetop mountain is the actual book i read, and i cheated so bad ;) but it will be cool to see this on the gp32 :) without the possibility to cheat :)