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  1. T

    Gngeo2x 0.6.12

    Oh, I see. Have to test this out. No, I went to gngeo directly after booting. Something else: Using the default rom selector, after returning from a rom it tells me that the CPU frequency is 166 Mhz even tough I started the rom with 200Mhz. This must be a bug. The MMU version today crashed 2...
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    Gngeo2x 0.6.12

    Yes, I use 0.8.8 which AFAIK is the newest. I just did some more testing and until 5 minutes ago I was unable to reproduce this slow behavior. Just 5 minutes ago after starting the rom directly in the first level the framerate counter dropped to <5 fps and for some time showed even 0 fps. The...
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    Gngeo V0.6.12c (beta!)

    I get quite strange results. Metal Slug 2 actually runs slower for me, when I start it from Rage2x! Read my post here:
  4. T

    Gngeo2x 0.6.12

    To test this gngeo MMU hack i copied the included file over the one that was present in the gngeo 0.6.12 release. I used Metal Slug 2 for testing and started the rom using the Rage2x frontend. I always used 200Mhz for the CPU and tested with 11 and 22 Khz sound. To be able to compare the speed...
  5. T

    GP2X Advanced Optimization Via Profiling With Gcc4

    Hi all! I just found an interesting optimization tool called Acovea which I think could also be put to good use on the gp2x. Using this tool one could find the best compiler flags for e.g. the polygon rendering functions. It finds the compiler flags producing the fastest executable by using a...
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    GP2X The Coprocessor

    Instead of using only the one or the other CPU for doing graphics stuff like rendering of polygons one could use both and do some load balancing like NVidia does with SLI. I think this would give the best performance for 3D rendering.
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    GP2X Gp2x Development

    For a quick setup the GP2XSDK from GPH for windows which comes with gcc 3.4.6 is good enough, can compile code for windows and for the gp2x and can do dynamic linking. But you should also try the devkitGP2x.rar from the archive. That one does use the software floating point library...
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    GP2X Load Bitmap Data Into An Sdl_surface?

    If you set the video mode with SDL_SetVideoMode() with SDL_HWSURFACE include SDL_DOUBLEBUF in the flags parameter. This way you get double buffering (assuming you use the paeryn's hw accelerated SDL). Draw everything you want to show and then call SDL_Flip(screen) to actually display it on the...
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    GP2X Load Bitmap Data Into An Sdl_surface?

    Have a look at SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(). It creates a new SDL_Surface structure and you can specify all the parameters (pixels, w, h, pitch ...). This is probably exactly what you need. Another way is to directly decompress your image to the location pointed to by the SDL_Surface's pixels...
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    GP2X Floating Point And Linking

    Yay! I now downloaded and installed the devkitGP2X from the archive and tested what the speed difference between this one and the "official" SDK from GPH is when using floats. The gcc 4.0.2 compiler from the devkitGP2X seems to be preconfigured to always generate software-fp code since even...
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    GP2X Floating Point And Linking

    Thanks for your reply! Though, I think we may be talking about different things, since in the "official" SDK from GPH (this one comes with the Dev-C++ IDE) I do not have an arm-linux-gcc.exe but an arm-gp2x-linux-gcc.exe. But never mind, I will go and try the devkitGP2X from the archives.
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    Gngeo2x Rom Compatibility

    I am having problems getting roms to work with gngeo2x (tested with 0.6.11 and 0.6.12). Some roms worked immediately without problems (mslug1, mslug2, mslugx, samsho5) but others didn't. I do have the neogeo bios and also the uni-bios.rom v2.2. The roms do work on the PC using NeoRageX 0.8c but...
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    GP2X Floating Point And Linking

    I use the windows version of the GP2XSDK ( which comes only with gcc version 3.4.6. I looked into the tar file of the linux version and there seems to be gcc 3.4.6 and also 4.0.3. Is this the sdk your are using? I don't know why there is only 3.4.6 on...
  14. T

    GP2X Floating Point And Linking

    Edit: If you don't want to read the whole post please just read the questions at the end. Hello fellow coders! Just recently I got my gp2x and started out coding some test applications. To compile my apps i use the newly release official GP2XSDK from GPH for windows (edit: added this link...