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    GP2X Experiences With The Hw Blitter [sdl]

    If at all I would definitly prefer the kernel module but I think this is overkill. Waiting for the previous blit to have finished isn't that bad. I don't like the idea of SDL using the second cpu. If it did anyone using SDL would be unable to use the 940 for its own purposes!
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    GP2X Using The 940 Easily

    I worked on this for some more as there still were issuse with release vs. debug build. Now it finally seems fixed (at least I hope so). Please redownload to get the newest version.
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    GP2X Using The 940 Easily

    Ok, I've fixed some issues with region and cache setup and with enabling the protection unit and stuff. Region setup was incorrect for the 1M Ringbuffer and GCC had a compiler but which caused the program not to work when optimization was disabled. The newest framework is now online! Please...
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    GP2X Using The 940 Easily

    The example might be a bit misleading in this context. Since the function has a return value other than void it waits for the 940 to complete and return the result. The other case is where the function has void as the "return value". In this case the function is executed asynchronously.
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    GP2X Using The 940 Easily

    Hi all! I am currently working on a framework called "cmd940" which will make using the second CPU a childs play! You basically define and implement the functions on the 940 and a script will generate a library which you can use in the program for the 920. From the 920 you then can just call...
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    GP2X My Software Triangle Rasterizer

    Writing it in C++ is a much better option. This way I use C++ templates which allows me to write one single triangle rasterization function and specialize it with template parameters. So the number of source lines and thus the amount of code to maintain is low. This is in contrast to renderers...
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    GP2X My Software Triangle Rasterizer

    I've now got a website where I uploaded a vastly improved version of my renderer: Check it out if you are interested. The newest renderer is not block based any more and this gave an additional speed boost.
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    GP2X Sdl_gfx Performance Testing

    I didn't look at the sources but I suppose you should get a straight line in the graph. I suppose its a problem in your timing code! Maybe the timer you use does not have enough resolution.
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    GP2X My Software Triangle Rasterizer

    My demo is now online. Check it out at It's called F341.
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    GP2X My Software Triangle Rasterizer

    Hi fellows! My demo for GBAX2007 is now complete and now also the renderer/rasterizer is a complete solution which now can also do point and line rendering. I will release the final source of the rasterizer after GBAX to everyone who wants to have it! My next endeavour is to utilize the second...
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    GP2X Errors In Mp2520f Manual

    I was investigating the use of the second CPU. The MP2520F Manual states that bit 0 (A940TCLK) in the SYSCLKENREG register is set to 1 at system reset and that if it is set to 1 the second CPU is unused. I read the value from the register with a program and it was initially 0. I also followed...
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    GP2X Problems With Sdl_mixer

    Yes I got it working on the GP2X. @PokeParadox: I tested with various numbers of samples. 4096 was to large an made my graphics stutter. I used 512 and that works fine. For the Windows version 1.2.7 I still get the crash. I contacted Sam Lantinga about this and he said he will look into this...
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    GP2X My Software Triangle Rasterizer

    I'm now in the process of coding up a small demo for the GBAX 2007 competition and hope to put something together in time. I currently have some problems : The following function computes step values from the plane equations which have been computed earlier for each interpolant. CODE...
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    GP2X Hw Accelerated Sdl

    AFAIK devkitGP2X is for windows only. And I think you are right about the version number. Is the open2x toolchain compilable for windows using MSYS or something? Or is there a gcc 4.1.1 for the devkitGP2X? Do you think that it may be the compiler that is messing up with the GP2X_DEBUG symbol?
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    GP2X Hw Accelerated Sdl

    Check the flags member of the surface returned by SDL_SetVideoMode and see wheter you got a SDL_SWSURFACE or a SDL_HWSURFACE and also check if you have SDL_DOUBLEBUF in the flag or not.
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    GP2X Hw Accelerated Sdl

    AFAIK the hw accelerated SDL will always return a SDL_HWSURFACE when you call SDL_SetVideoMode regardles of what you specify. Also I think SDL_NOFRAME does not have any effect since it is set automatically (I looked at the source). So the only difference to your SDL_HWSURFACE ... line is the...
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    GP2X Hw Accelerated Sdl

    Thats weird. I used the gcc that comes with the devkitGP2X. Don't know the exact version number though. If I don't compile with the GP2X_DEBUG flag set my demo crashed when I hit Ctrl-C. Maybe i will give the GDB a try when I find the time. Edit: Did you compile gcc-4.1.1 yourself? Is there an...
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    GP2X Hw Accelerated Sdl

    I've read the readme but one point is still unclear! What if I initialize SDL (which mmaps ALL the upper memory), and then apply the mmuhack -> now all the upper memory is cachable/bufferable. If i then mmap some region in the upper memory (which was already mapped by SDL) I suppose this...
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    GP2X Hw Accelerated Sdl

    paeryn have you found out something regarding the crash when SDL is compiled without GP2X_DEBUG defined? Also a question regarding the used of the mmuhack kernel module with SDL: From looking at the latest SDL source from the open2x svn i can tell that SDL always mmaps the whole upper 32MB of...